W HAT IS THE C ONFUCIUS CLASSROOM PROGRAM ? launched by the Chinese Ministry of Education in May The purpose of the program is to bring Chinese language and culture instruction to K-12 foreign schools through partnerships among Chinese and foreign institutions. The partnership will enjoy supports from Hanban for funding and classroom materials. 241 Confucius Classrooms have been firmed throughout the world.
C OOPERATING P ARTIES Confucius Institute Headquarters ( Hanban ) Chinese K-12 Partner school Foreign Partner School
R ESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH PARTY --- H ANBAN To authorize the usage of the Confucius Classroom title and logo. To provide certain start-up funding and fixed annual funds for individual Confucius Classroom program such as the initial visitation trip to China, US student summer camp costs in China, qualified activities held in the foreign partner school. To cover international airfares and monthly stipends for qualified teachers who are sent to foreign schools to teach Chinese for the program. To provide 1,000 volumes of books, audio-visual, multimedia materials and other course related materials as well as to authorize the use of online courses.
R ESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH PARTY --- C HINESE K-12 P ARTNER SCHOOL To identify foreign partners. To apply and to be approved to be the official partners of the program. To provide foreign partner schools with trained and qualified Chinese teachers and co-manage them with the foreign partner school when they are abroad.
R ESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH PARTY --- F OREIGN P ARTNER S CHOOL To apply and to be approved by Hanban as foreign partner school. Have an existing or planning to open a Chinese language program. Have an appropriate site for the Confucius classroom to carry out the teaching and its activities. Willing to meet certain financial commitment in supporting the program
A PPLICATION P ROCESS FOR A C ONFUCIUS C LASSROOM Both Chinese and Foreign school partners should file an application with a sound proposal. (Please see Attachment I for application letter and proposal guidelines). Submit the application letter and Proposal to City, Province and National Education Commissions in China. Once application is approved, sign agreement with The Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) ( See Attachment II for sample Agreement) Sign agreement with the Chinese partner school
A RE YOU INTERESTED IN THE PROGRAM Contact Xia Zhan & Dana Anderson