03/17/ VA-ANS Update 03/17/2005
03/17/ Upcoming VA-ANS Meetings April Meeting: April 14, Richmond Mr. Jim Reinsch ANS Vice-President/President Elect
03/17/ Upcoming VA-ANS Meetings May Meeting: Meem Lecture May 19, Charlottesville Mr. Tom Burns Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
03/17/ Outreach Opportunities University of Missouri - Rolla Summer Camp Scholarships Two scholarships of $350 each to assist two Virginia students with their transportation costs The deadline to apply is June 15 th, The two sponsored students will be selected based on their essay, their teacher’s recommendation, and a willingness to report their experience to the Section. Please help distribute the flyers! Please help distribute the flyers
03/17/ Section Opportunities Election Will take place on May 19, 2005 Please submit your nominations to:
03/17/ Pro-Nuclear Activities Keep an eye on list announcements Participate in public events Submit Op/Eds or Letters to the Editor of local publications New Web Site available soon
03/17/ Recent Events Pro-Nuclear Rally at the NRC Hearing on North Anna ESP Draft EIS - Thursday February 17, 2005
03/17/ Recent Events 2005 Science Teacher Workshop - Saturday February 26, 2005
03/17/ Recent Events Career Day at the Science Museum of Virginia - Sunday February 27, 2005