Medicare Advantage Enrollment: State Summary Five Slide Series, Volume 2 July 2013
As of June 2013, 28.1% of nation’s Medicare population is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage managed care organization (MCO). Medicare beneficiaries: 50.6 million persons Medicare Advantage enrollees: 14.2 million persons Nationally, this “penetration rate” has increased 3.5% from June 2010 – June states experienced an increase in Medicare Advantage enrollment penetration during this timeframe. Medicare Advantage enrollment increased 25% from June 2010 – June 2013 Minnesota leads the nation with 50.2% of beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare MCO, followed by Hawaii (46.4%) and Oregon (42.7%). Wyoming has the nation’s lowest penetration rate (3.7%). Our last two slides contain current statistics to quantify the longstanding dynamic that Medicare Advantage penetration rates tend to be highest in more urban areas. Counties with more than 100,000 beneficiaries (3% of USA counties) now hold 45% of all Medicare Advantage enrollees. 1 Summary
2 Minnesota is the First State to Reach 50% in Statewide Medicare Advantage Participation Hawaii and Oregon are also above 40% penetration; seven states are between 35% and 40% In six states, fewer than 10% of Medicare beneficiaries have enrolled in Medicare Advantage: Wyoming, Alaska, New Hampshire, Delaware, Vermont, and Maryland
3 Medicare Advantage Participation Rate Increased in All But Six States Between June 2010 and June 2013 The highest percentage point growth rates occurred in Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Kentucky, and South Dakota. Penetration rates decreased in six states: Nevada, Utah, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Montana, and Wyoming. STATE Penetration Rate Change, June June 2013 Rank, Penetration Rate Change, June 2010-June 2013 STATE Penetration Rate Change, June June 2013 Rank, Penetration Rate Change, June 2010-June 2013 Michigan11.3%1 Louisiana2.6%27 Minnesota8.3%2 Kansas2.0%28 Texas7.6%3 California2.0%29 Kentucky7.1%4 West Virginia1.7%30 South Dakota6.5%5 Idaho1.6%31 Tennessee5.7%6 Alabama1.5%32 North Dakota5.6%7 Illinois1.5%33 Maine5.5%8 North Carolina1.4%34 Indiana5.3%9 Oklahoma1.2%35 Georgia5.3%10 Iowa1.1%36 Connecticut5.0%11 Pennsylvania1.1%37 Alaska4.7%12 District of Columbia0.9%38 Wisconsin4.5%13 Arizona0.9%39 Florida4.5%14 Colorado0.8%40 Ohio4.4%15 Virginia0.7%41 New Mexico4.4%16 Rhode Island0.7%42 South Carolina4.3%17 Oregon0.5%43 Washington3.8%18 Maryland0.5%44 Missouri3.7%19 Nebraska0.4%45 Arkansas3.6%20 Nevada-0.2%46 Hawaii3.5%21 Utah-0.2%47 New York3.5%22 Massachusetts-0.7%48 New Jersey3.4%23 New Hampshire-1.5%49 Delaware3.4%24 Montana-2.3%50 Mississippi3.0%25 Wyoming-3.1%51 Vermont2.9%26 USA Total3.5%
4 Medicare Advantage Enrollment is Directly Correlated With County Population Size The 93 counties with 100,000+ Medicare beneficiaries (3% of all counties) account for 36% of all beneficiaries and 45% of all Medicare Advantage enrollment
Medicare and Medicare Advantage Demographics by Urban/Rural Status 5
Technical Notes Data sources used for tabulations are the CMS website and USDA website: and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/MA-State-County-Penetration-Items/ codes.aspx#.UeWF3I04s08 National totals on each data table exclude U.S. Territories and persons who were not assigned to a specific county. 6