Simple Machines By: Tiffany Carpenter EDU 505
Introduction Do you hate doing chores or your homework? - Well now is your chance to invent something new to help you with all of those annoying tasks. But first you have to learn all about the simple machines that are found in everyday tools/ machines…
Task You are the inventor of a new and exciting tool/machine. Your task is to: 1.) Use the provided websites to learn all about simple machines. 2.) Design your own machine or tool that will help people do work.
Process Part 1: Learn about the six simple machines. 1.) You will visit the following website to learn about the six simple 2.) Print off the Graphic organizer and then fill in what the names of the six simple machines are.Graphic organizer * The topic will be “Simple Machines” 3.) Visit the following Website to learn examples of the six simple machines.Website * Click on “Activity” after each of the simple machines to view the examples. 4.) Watch the following three videos. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3Video 1Video 2Video 3 4.) Make a chart on white paper filling in information about the six simple machines. * What is the name of the simple machine? * Describe what the simple machine looks like. * Give examples of the simple machine.
Process Cont. Part 2: Create an invention using at least three of the simple machines you have learned about. 1.) In writing: * Explain how your new invention works and why you chose that invention (how does it help people do work?). 2.) Draw your invention on poster board, labeling each of the simple machines you have used. 3.) Create an advertisement for the invention * Make sure to include the cost of your invention and be convincing!
Evaluation Your grades will be based on the following: Graphic organizer: 10% (completeness) Chart: 30% (completeness) Invention project: 50% The invention project grades will be based on the following rubric: (see next slide)
Evaluation Cont. DescriptionDiagramAdvertisement 4 Description describes the problem solved. Minimal (no more than 2) grammatical errors. Sentences are complete and handwriting is neat. Neat diagram, with all simple machines labeled. Diagram in color and free of any spelling errors. Neatly done, it explains why someone would want to buy it. Free of spelling errors. Shows price of item. 3 Problem solved described. 3 to 5 grammatical errors. No more than one incomplete sentence. Most simple machines are labeled. Diagram done in color. Minimal spelling errors. Shows price of item, and explains why someone would want to buy it. Minimal (1-2) spelling errors. 2 6 or 7 grammatical errors. More than 3 incomplete sentences. Some machines are labeled. More than 3 spelling errors. Multiple spelling errors (3-5). 1 More than 7 grammatical errors or 4 incomplete sentences. No machines labeled. More than 3 spelling errors. More than 5 spelling errors.
Conclusion Congrats! You are official an inventor. Now that you have learned all about the six simple machines and how they make work easier, check out this website and HAVE FUN! Explore! Explore!