Robot? I think yes!
Simple Machines A group of six basic types that combine to make more complex machines. They allow work to be done with less force Simple machines are divided into two families: The Lever Family The Inclined Plane Family
The Lever Family All levers are composed of a FULCRUM and an ARM. Arm – the rigid portion of the lever Fulcrum – the point the lever pivots on Force is transferred along the arm causing the input force to be multiplied or redirected
There are 3 classes of levers: First Class Lever – the most common type - Input force is at one end and the output force is at the other end at the other force is at the other end at the other Examples: hammer and pliers (2 1 st class levers combined)
Second Class Levers – the input force is applied at one end with the fulcrum at the other Examples: Wheelbarrow and nutcracker
Third Class Levers – multiply distance rather than force (decreases the distance the force needs to move) Examples – human forearm
Pulleys are Levers Too! The point in the middle of a pulley is like the fulcrum in a 1 st class lever Therefore pulleys act like 1 st class levers Multiple pulleys can be combined and are called a Block and Tackle
The Inclined Plane Family Inclined planes decrease the amount of force required by spreading the work done over a larger distance Pushing up a long ramp that climbs slowly is easier than up a short steep ramp
Examples of Inclined Planes Wedge – a modified inclined plane that turns one downward force into two forces directed sideways - Examples: nail and axes Screw – an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder - a gentle sloped screw requires less force than a steeper sloped screw (JUST LIKE A RAMP!!) a steeper sloped screw (JUST LIKE A RAMP!!)
Compound Machines A machine that combines two or more simple machines Examples: - scissors (2 1 st class levers) - car jack (lever and large screw) - car (lots of simple machines)