DHI : Dahn yoga & Healing Institute Dahn yoga & Healing Institute of Massage Therapy
Contents 2. Classes & program information 1. About Dahn Yoga & Healing Institute 4. Contact us 3. About classes
Contents 1. About Dahn Yoga & Healing Institute 1.1 What’s Dahn Yoga 1.2 Why practice Dahn Yoga 1.3 Massage Therapy School
About Dahn Yoga & Healing Institute What’s Dahn Yoga? Dahnhak is the study of life energy, based on the authentic mind/body training of ancient Korea and recreated for contemporary times by Dr. Ilchi Lee. “Dahn" means energy, vitality, and origin of life, and "hak" means study, philosophy, and theory. Dahnhak is the study of energy (Ki, Chi) and how to use it to regain true mastership of life by restoring mind/body communication. Dahnhak practice is scientifically designed to work every muscle, tendon, joint, organ and gland, while moving fresh, oxygenated blood throughout the whole body. It teaches practitioners to experience their Ki- energy and balance the flow of energy within their bodies. The conscious action of focusing Ki-energy inside their body tends to stimulate their innate natural healing power. This enhances the abilities to deal with environmental stress.
About Dahn Yoga & Healing Institute Why practice Dahn Yoga? For our Body -Vibrant health & energy -normalize weight -Increase strength & flexibility -injury & backache recovery -Relieves shoulder For our Mind -Reduces stress -Decrease depression & anxiety -Feel more centered & balanced -Develops inner peace For our Spirit -Enhancement in life & Expand enlightment -Changes undesirable habits -Remarkably improves human relationship
About Dahn Yoga & Healing Institute Massage therapy school D.H.I is a vocational massage therapy school teaching the art of ancient healing and massage therapy. We are open to men and women of all ages, and we specialize in Eastern Therapy, such as HwalGong(Energy Healing) techniques, and Swedish massage. All of our massage techniques are based on energy and how to enable someone to "feel more energy" through massage. HwalGong is based on acupressure points and opening up blockages in energy channels. Our massage training school also offers Dahn yoga energy exercise and gift certificates as well as summer camp and after-school programs based on yoga center techniques approved through the state holistic center.
Contents 2. Classes & Program 2.1 Regular classes 2.2 Benefits from Dahnhak 2.3 Special programs
Classes & Program Regular classes Energy Stretching Exercises Integrative stretching exercises based on the perfect coordination of: correct postures, breathing and conscious awareness. The exercises are designed to open the meridian channels and increase the energy flow that makes natural healing possible. It increases flexibility, balance, and fitness; and you will also learn to release the negative energy caused by stress. Mediative Breathwork Meditation, with focus on breathing and Ki-energy. Through the conscious control of your breath, you will learn how to eliminate the harmful effects of stress and negative emotions. You will boost your immune system and restore the natural healing power of your body. Mediation (Endergy Sensitizing) A meditative dance, experienced by focusing on the free flow of vital energy, which is the medium between the mind/body connection. This practice will allow you to experience Ki- energy by lowering your brain waves below alpha level, thus facilitating the state of transparent awareness, clear of negative emotions and troubling thoughts. This experience of being one with the flow of energy gives the practitioner a deeply fulfilling sensation of peace, joy, and inner freedom.
Classes & Program Benefits from Dahnhak Release Stress & Anxiety Increase Flexibility Feel Energized & Sleep Better For Well-Being Head & Back pain Relief Ease Neck & Shoulder Pain
Classes & Program Special Programs Holistic Healing A healing that recharges your energy field, enhances your natural healing power, improves your immune system, and detoxifies your body.It will reduce stress, anxiety and impatience. We offer various healing programs to fit you. Please ask the Dahn Center near you for details. Personal Training A personalized consultation and training program designed to address the unique condition of your mind and body. If you want a more intensive session to fit your condition, this personal training program will be a good answer. Dahn Healer course Awaken the healing power within and learn how to control and use your healing energy to help yourself and others. Seminars for Sprituality -Sedona Meditation Tour -Meeting with Mago -Healing Shakrea Seminar -Other open seminar for spiritual growth
Contents 3. For New member 3.1 Self check-up 3.2 Schedule 3.3 Chance to earn Income
For New member Self check-up
For New member How do I Start? Includes the evaluation of: Flexibility / mind-body coordination Digestive Condition Breathing pattern / Digestive Function Meridian channels(Energy Pathways) Emotional / Stress Level Back / Neck / Shoulder pain Evaluation of Internal Organ Health Experience Healing Energy(Relaxation)
For New member Time Schedule MONTUE WE D THRFRISAT 10:00 11:30 10:20 04:00 05:30 06:00 07:30 : Special training can be scheduled
For New member Earn Income as a Massage Therapist ! Stop By Today for a Vocational Massage Therapy School Offering the Best Training Around!
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