Ender’s Game Anticipation Guide
Decide if you agree or disagree with each statement! 1. There is life on other planets.
2. The youngest child in a family tends to be “spoiled.”
3. The middle child tends to be ignored.
4. The oldest child gets the best “stuff.” (no hand-me-downs, etc.)
5. Boarding school is the best environment to discipline unruly children.
6. Video games are a waste of time.
7. I have always wanted to go to space camp.
8. I don’t go anywhere I can’t have a home- cooked meal.
9. You need to have friends to have a good life.
10. Religion should be taught to young children.
11. Religion should be explored as an adult.
12. There should be a limit on the number of children each family in the US can have.
13. Online classes are better than traditional school classes.
14. “Little white lies” are OK to tell; if you have a good reason.
15. Adults always know more than children.
16. I’m moving out of my parents’ house the day I turn 18!
17. I don’t have time to be in love with someone.