LearningNet Breeze Presentation Publishing Guide Learning Solution Group Learning Center, Korea Last Updated: November 30, 2007 Summary: This is a step by step guide to transform the PowerPoint based slides to Breeze presentation. It also covers how to set content options in Learning-Net to include Breeze presentation.
2 / 16 Create PowerPoint content Create a PowerPoint file to be published.
3 / 16 Set tracking type Select the menu, Breeze > Quiz Manager.
4 / 16 Set Tracking Type (2) Select [Reporting] tab in the Quiz Manager dialog window. Choose “AICC” option in Learnin g Management System (LMS). Choose “Report slide views only” for reporting. Click [OK] button AICC is one international standard way to exchange learner progress data between the content and Learning Management System.
5 / 16 Presentation Settings Set necessary values at [Presentation Settings...] menu. –Auto play presentation on start: Check this option if you want the presentation to begin automatically when opened
6 / 16 Set Slide Properties Set the necessary slide properties for all pages: –Select [Slide Properties...] menu. –Select all slides. –Click [Edit...] button. –Select the Presenter who will appear next to the slide. –Set [Advance by user] option if you do not want the show to go forward automatically.
7 / 16 Prepare publishing Select Breeze > Publish… in PowerPoint menu. Select Breeze Server for publishing location. Be sure to set the server URL and publish options as shown in the picture. Click [Publish] button.
8 / 16 Login to Breeze Server After converting presentation file, you will be required to login to Breeze server. Breeze Presenter login account is different from your Learning-Net account. It also can be different from your Breeze Meeting account. Contact Learning-Net admin to check your account.
9 / 16 Select publishing folder. After selecting an appropriate folder, Publish the content by clicking [Publish to This Folder] button.
10 / 16 Enter content information. Enter content information including Title and Summary. Leave Custom URL blank. Click [Next] button to continue.
11 / 16 Set content option. Click [Customize] button to customize content option.
12 / 16 Allow public viewing. Select Public Viewing option, “Yes”. Click [Next] to continue.
13 / 16 Check the URL. Copy the URL for Viewing for later use. Click [OK] to close the publish window.
14 / 16 iLearning: Set Tracking Type When creating a content object in Oracle iLearning, Set Tracking Type to ‘HACP’ when setting content object properties.
15 / 16 Set starting URL. Add the copied URL from Breeze server to the Starting URL field in Oracle iLearning. Add extra text, “/default/AICC.htm” at the end of the copied URL. –For example, if the copied URL was –The full starting URL must be Add the copied URL from Breeze server to the Starting URL field in Oracle iLearning. Add extra text, “/default/AICC.htm” at the end of the copied URL. –For example, if the copied URL was –The full starting URL must be
16 / 16 Update and publish. Click update to save the information. Click Publish to make the content open to the public viewing.