With your host - The Oracle of Delphi
Socrates Sussed!
SOCRATES Principles of adult learning The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance The unexamined life is not worth living Socrates engages would be learners in elenctic argument to make them aware of their own ignorance and enable them to discover for themselves the truth the teacher had held back. Nehams, A. (1998) The Art of Living. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California p. 63
Historical background Born 470 BC Lived during Golden Age of Greece Serves with valour in Peloponnesian War Married, 8 children Declared wisest man by Oracle at Delphi Is put on trial
Socrates Method In Action
Hero Hemlocked!
Group Questions 1.What might be a possible questioning path for Socrates if the youth’s situation was complicated by the fact that it was a friend who offered to sell him the chariot? 2.‘I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.’ Why do you think that this was a basis for Socrates’ teaching methods? 3.‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ How do you think this fits into teaching methodology today? 4.What do you believe is the difference between a teacher and a student? 5.What value do you think society places on education and learning? 6.What advantages and disadvantages do you associate with the Socratic teaching method?
Visible Intelligible The Form Of Beauty ‘Dialectic’ The Manifestation of Beauty Beautiful Entities ‘What a beautiful vase!’ The Imitation of Beauty Paintings, Photos etc ‘It looks just like the real thing!’ Intelligence Knowledge The ‘Good’ Intellection, Reason Understanding Thinking ‘Mathematical’ Ideas Belief Tangible Objects Imagining Reflections Conjecture The Concept Of Beauty
References Images sourced from: Slide 2 2/Socrates_teaching.jpg 2/Socrates_teaching.jpg Slide 3 Slide 4 7/Socrates_and_Xanthippe.jpg