Ling Tung University Introduction of Counseling and Potential Development Center
Members of Center 吳超嫻 陳慧萍陳慧萍 吳豫葳吳豫葳 唐惠媛唐惠媛 主任 吳錦鳳 陳葦玲陳葦玲 楊曉菁 劉貞誼劉貞誼 黃藹甯黃藹甯 尤藝樺尤藝樺 洪欣婕洪欣婕 許心虹許心虹 徐子宸徐子宸 王義德王義德
Counseling Outreach M ental health flyers and posters in campus Classroom outreach To watch a movie and disscuss about it in class Freshmen orientation Lectuers of gender issues, career planing and life education
Counseling Cards 1.Woo Card 2.Value Clarification Card 3.Archangel Oracle Cards 4.Romance Card 5.Tarot Deck 6.Ripple Cards 7.Ability Cards 8.Occupation Cards 9.OH Cards 10. Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle Cards 11.Cope Cards 12.Persona Cards 13.Personita Cards
Group Counseling To understand yourself better To improve yourself and change yourself counseling groups cover a range of issues, including self-growth, interpersonal relationships, career management, gender, learning skills, stress coping…etc. Group members will learn from each other by sharing yourself and get responses from others. Group Counseling is the best trial- and-error approach for interpersonal relations.To get more information, please check out our website.
Psychological Testing Psychological testing can help you better understand yourself and your behavior. Types of Psychological test: Career Tests Personality Psychology Tests Others You can call for an appointment of Psychological testing for yourself only, as well as for your class or clubs.
Individual Counseling Individual counseling is one of the important services. Through talking things what you concerns with your counselor in comfortable and privacy counseling rooms, the confusing 、 troubles, or directions will be assistanted. These things may include stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression, relationship difficulties, questions about identity, or any other issues. To make an appointment, check on-line system make a phone call to us: (04)2386 – 9995, or you can just walk in. Find us at SY103.
The volunteers of Counseling and Potential Development Center The volunteers of Counseling and Potential- Development are full of passion. live and love. We held many activities for volunteers to advance good interpersonal relations. If you are the one we want to search, welcome to join us !
The Counseling and Potential Development Center is committed to caring for the psychological concerns of undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students.