ABOUT SECURE-24 IT outsourcing company hosting servers for customers Microsoft Exchange Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SQL Oracle SAP 11 year-old company Moved into permanent building this summer FAST GROWING! 50 employees, 3 years ago currently 250+ Provides a great working environment allowing for movement within company
GETTING THE POSITION Networking Very, very slow process Applied in January, didn’t have interview until late April Learning balance between persistence & annoyance Interview process Phone interviews In-person interviews
PHYSICAL WORK ENVIRONMENT Company was split between two floors Business side on second floor Infrastructure side on first floor Modern design style Dark blue and orange wall colors Floor to ceiling glass doors separating meeting rooms Personal cubes for each worker 2 optional treadmill workstations were available Modern artwork and pictures from company events were displayed throughout the office Each employee was outfitted with: Laptop Two 22” widescreen monitors Docking station with mouse/keyboard
Very laid back Dress code Collared shirt No tennis shoes Company events Monthly Detroit sporting events Monthly themed potluck lunches Annual company picnic Managers looked for the best in situations Friendly relationships between most employees WORK ATMOSPHERE
WHAT I DID Worked on the Microsoft Team within the Infrastructure Team Used Citrix to access the S24 network Helped design the Microsoft Team’s page on SharePoint Meetings Handover meetings Scrum meetings Knowledge Transfer meetings Customer health audits Providing documentation on top 15 highest paying customers
WHAT I DID (CONT’D) Constant work with Enterprise Monitoring Team Adding hosts into monitoring Removing old hosts/decommissioned hosts Inserted hosts into graphing Work tickets Root cause analysis SLA requirements Dealing with outages SAN outage
TIPS FOR GETTING AN INTERNSHIP Start early Be active in your searching Be persistent on internship leads Stay positive Practice answering popular interviewing questions Refresh your memory of the particular topic you are interviewing for Remember to smile