Health Datapalooza IV: Child and Adolescent Health Data App Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Data Scientist Semantic Community AOL Government Blogger March 25,
Making data accessible to all. It’s your data…your story! Mission Statement: – Data Resource Center Indicator data sets contain constructed measures that were developed by CAHMI in collaboration with a national technical advisory panel for the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. The purpose of this project is to provide support and technical assistance to states for interpretation and utilization of results of the National Survey of Children’s Health and National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. My Note: – Requested the data, but will try to get it myself from the site. 2
Semantic Community: All Content As Data 3 Four VsConceptMethodGoalResult Volume and Velocity Big Data=All Content Make all content as data. Federal Digital Government Strategy Knowledge Base VeracityWeb-Linked Data Semantic Web Data Strong Relationships Spreadsheets ValueUnified Data Architecture Data Integration Data Ecosystem Network Visualizations Dominic Sale, new OMB Chief of Data Analytics & Reporting said the new Digital Government Strategy is "treating all content as data“, March 12, 2013.
Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health Site Map 4
Health Datapalooza IV Knowledge Base for Semantic Search Index 5 Well-defined URLs for all content types!
National, HSRA, and State Indicator Profiles in Web Table 6
National, HSRA, and State Indicator Profiles in Spreadsheet 7
National Indicator Spreadsheet Profiles in Spotfire 8 My Note: The visualizations are interactive and provide “drill-down into the data!
HSRA Region Indicator Spreadsheet Profiles in Spotfire 9
State Indicator Spreadsheet Profiles in Spotfire 10 Similar Tabs for: Health Care Schools and Activities Child’s Family Child and Family’s Neighborhood
Semantic Search of Knowledge Base 11 My Note: Also do in Spreadsheet and Spotfire!
Conclusions and Recommendations The New Digital Government Strategy of treating all content as data has been applied to the CAHMI Web content. The CAHMI has been turned into data in spreadsheets and statistical visualizations in Spotfire 5. This simplifies the complex CAHMI interface which requires lots of extra mouse clicks and provides no faceted semantic search. The CAHMI Data Use Agreement for the Data Resource Center Indicator Data Sets provides for additional data access that will be used to supplement this work. This process provides the beginning of a Unified Data Architecture and Ecosystem for Data Integration using the View Data function in Spotfire 5. 12
Additional Slides 13 Spotfire 5 allows one to filter the data set by Category and Indicator like Child Weight Status (e.g. Obesity-Low) and Medical Home (Homecare-High).
DRC 2003 and 2007 NSCH Merged 14 My Note: 193,995 Rows and 66 Columns!
DRC NS-CSHCN Datasets 15 My Note: Rows and 668 Columns!
Additional Slides Spotfire 5 allows one to filter the Web Site data set by Category and Indicator: – Demo Example: Child Weight Status (e.g. Obesity-Low) and Medical Home (Homecare-High) which is useful to decision makers. Spotfire 5 Web Player Dashboard: The CAHMI Data Use Agreement provided additional data access to two large data sets (and a third in the near future): – Demo Example: Scatter Plots, etc. were difficult to find useful information. My Note: CAHMI is working on improved data: Web Site Examples: and Treemaps are ideal for displaying large amounts of hierarchically structured (tree-structured) data. The space in the visualization is split up into rectangles that are sized and ordered by a quantitative variable. – Demo Example: State as the Hierarchy and BMI (Body Mass Index) Class and Diabetes, and Age and Home Health were used. Spotfire 5 Web Player Dashboard: Explanation of Treemaps: The American Diabetes Association and others are working on improved diagnosis and treatment of child (and adult) diabetes using data: – Demo Example: 25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes. Web Site Example: My Concept for the Redesigning Data 2013 Data Design Diabetes Innovation Challenge – Prove It! – Through baseline knowledge models, evidence-based practice, or predictive analysis, Prove It! asks innovators to think creatively about how to effectively harness data to address diabetes in the US. Web Site Example: 16