Training Provider Briefing Session 2.00pm Welcome 2.10pm Walsall Works 2.40pm Q&A session 3.00pm Networking 3.30pm Close
Walsall Works Walsall Works will stimulate sustainable employment within local businesses and support young people into work
The Employment Challenge 27,860 residents out of work 10,820 Jobseekers (all ages) 3, yr old Jobseekers Approx yr olds are NEET One third 6 months+ unemployed 15% rise on youth unemployment since Dec 2010
The Economic Challenge 7,200 active enterprises in Walsall Active enterprises fallen since 2008 by 3.7% Business deaths outnumber business births Need to access new markets Access to finance Skills gaps and high skilled shortages High innovation, new products, advanced processes
The Response £2 million financial investment by Walsall Council Stimulating economic growth Supporting local employers Tackling youth unemployment 550 new apprenticeship opportunities 190 pre-apprenticeship places
Employers in Growth Sectors Manufacturing and Engineering Environmental Technologies Financial, Professional & Business Services Creative and Digital Services Health & Social Care Logistics
The ‘Deal’ with Employers Managing financial constraints as its a key issue Complementing the Youth Contract & AGE Grant Walsall Works will offer £3,000 incentive payment: First start up payment on 4 weeks placement Mid point apprenticeship payment to reward retention Final payment on confirmation of sustainable employment Unlocking local jobs for young local residents “Recruit for attitude then train for skills”
A ‘Deal’ with Young People Pre-Apprenticeship programme Young Persons training, travel, childcare allowance Functional skills (literacy / numeracy) L1 Employability skills Work placement Intensive job / apprenticeship / training search Positive Progression routes
A ‘Deal’ with Young Apprentices Vacancy matching service Breaking the cycle of unemployment Apprenticeship Placement of at least 12 months On site / off site training Accredited qualification L2, L3, L4 Route to sustainable employment Minimum hourly rates Supervision, mentoring, development
Outcomes 190 pre-apprenticeship opportunities Targeted supported to vulnerable groups & families 550 new young apprenticeships Working closely with local Employers Employers recognising value of young people Return on Investment i.e. turnover, productivity, sales Utilising SFA funds / Employer contributions
Walsall Works Criteria Focus on Walsall SME’s in growth and key sectors 2 year gap since last Apprentice 35 hour+ per week contract over 12 months minimum Minimum Hourly Rate of Pay (£ yr olds, £ yr olds, £ yr olds) Employer committed to sustainable employment Employee to apprenticeship staff ratio
Achievements to Date 56 businesses have committed to Walsall Works SectorNo of Employers Creative and Digital Services6 Environmental Technologies1 Financial, Professional and Business Services7 Health and Social Care5 Logistics4 Manufacturing and Engineering27 Other (social enterprise, mechanics)6
115 Apprenticeship Opportunities for Walsall Young People SectorNo of Roles Creative and Digital Services8 Environmental Technologies1 Financial, Professional and Business Services10 Health and Social Care11 Logistics11 Manufacturing and Engineering59 Other (social enterprise, mechanics)15 Achievements to Date
377 young people registered in Walsall Works (of which 230 young people are unemployed) Sector Number interested Creative and Digital Services 98 Environmental Technologies 81 Financial, Professional and Business Services 112 Health and Social Care 91 Logistics 75 Manufacturing and Engineering 169 Other 124 Achievements to Date
The Process Employer completes an Employer Interest Form Walsall Works Team complete eligibility checks Identify a Training Provider (if none in place) Training provider commences with the apprenticeship Advertise vacancy using pre-format template on NAS site Training providers to sift applicants (noting Walsall Works eligible and non eligible young people) Interview & Selection Details of young person submitted to Walsall Works
The Process Apprentice commences employment Walsall Works Team to send grant agreement to training provider Training provider to sign grant agreement and attach a copy of the completed ILR form On receipt of grant agreement Walsall Works team to raise an order to process payments Training provider make 1 st claim (4 weeks). Training provider make 2 nd claim (midpoint). Training provider make 3 rd claim (end of apprenticeship) Evidence of sustainability required Walsall Works team to conduct a post 26 week sustainability visit with the employer or employee
The Process Unsuccessful applicants provided feedback from training provider and supported through future applications and interview processes Unsuccessful applicants that do not meet the entry requirements of a full apprenticeship to be referred to the pre-apprenticeship programme
Question & Answer Session
Dates of Future Sessions Monday 24 th September 2012, 9.00am – 10.30am Monday 28 th February 2013, 9.00am – 10.30am at Walsall Council Chamber, Walsall Town Hall, Lichfield Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP
Thank you