For a Trade Union version of the New skills for new jobs initiative Round Table : « Employees faced with the stakes of training, transition and professional mobility » ETUC Conference September 2 nd /3rd 2010
1- What are the main challenges for employees? To improve their competencies within their job and work To have the possibility of a real professional carrer To move from one company ( or sector) to another In some cases to move through the different European countries To succeed in the different types of transitions: The entry into the labour market The transition from temporary employment to a permanent contract The solutions to redundancy and dismissal… 2
3 Through the good “mix” of knowledge and skills Through relevant information about the changes concerning their job, the main trends about their company and sector : example of the recent THALES European agreement Through regular career meetings inside the companies or outside Through an appropriate guidance ( Management, Employment Services, local actors, unions...) : example of the learning representatives in Great Britain Through training to garantee ongoing employability and “learning organizations” 2- « How to empower workers facing all types of occupational transitions? »
4 3- Three key points The risk of a double polarisation of jobs : high skilled on one hand and elementary occupations on the other : how to improve the situation of low skilled people? ( See the New skills for new jobs EC Communication – and the synthesis of the 19 sector reports by Oxford Research) The need to develop both initial education and continuous training : upgrading the skills only through initial education causes new difficulties – The example of the New Members States The need to take in account the role of “learning outcomes” and to look for new ways to recognize them