Physical and social health in our school KAROL MIARKA SCHOOL NUMBER 2 KNURÓW
In February we sang this song and conducted an action connected with health in our school. This presentation includes its results. "Our Health Song" We're all healthy happy children from 5 different countries. We'll work together this year to get even healthier Chorus Sweden Scotland Spain Italy Poland let us together sing our song. Please raise your voices with us in the Comenius Project. Eating healthy is important Playing sports and having fun Sharing friendships Showing feelings Learning skills for work and life. Chorus
Our school chorus sings it beautifully!!!
A glass of milk In September last school year our school entered the programme “A glass of milk”. This action was set up by the European Commission, which decided to promote the habit of healthy dietary of the children this way. This campaign is thoroughly treated by agricultural budget and came into existence mainly in the frames of fighting with the children’s obesity. From September every school year, twice a week, a company brings fresh milk to our school. Children drink the milk during breaks, and throw the empty containers into the specially prepared containers. In February our nurse talked to our kids about positive aspects of drinking milk. She described them all the advantages of milk on their health.
Fruit at school From October the last school year, our school takes part in the action „Fruit at school”. In the frames of this programme, twice a week the youngest children from the Years 1-3 get fresh fruit and vegetables (carrots, apples, pears, cucumbers). In February our school nurse explained us that eating those things is very healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins and they give us a lot of energy.
We have got a nurse in our school who takes care about us every day. At the beginning of every school year she examines us precisely to check if our weight, height and spine are correct. This year, in February, she prepared special meetings for pupils and their parents where they could check if we are healthy. She also instructed them what we should do to be healthier.
She also instructed us what to eat to be healthy and fit
Our teachers often organise meetings with various doctors. This year in February we invited dentists who prepared special lessons for us and taught us how to take care of our teeth and gums.
We also had the opportunity to meet and talk to ophthalmologist who described how we should care about our eyes.
In February we could take part in dog therapy which was fantastic!!! Through the whole school year those lessons are devoted to disabled children, but at that time all the children could participate.
There is a special place in our school for music therapy. We could go there and relax after tiring lessons. It was fantastic!!!
Our school is also equipped with a computer destined to biofeedback therapy. In February the therapists invited all the students and their parents to see how it works and what are the disadvantages of taking part in such therapy.
The youngest pupils have got a special PE gym. They enjoyed being there.
After lessons there were additional PE classes for older students. We played football, volleyball and basketball there.
We had the chance to prepare and eat healthy dinners in our school canteen.
Students from the sixth grade had special classes with psychologists and police officers during which they talk about crime, danger, alcohol and drugs. Their parents also had a meeting with those people.
Our teachers organised an art contest on the topic of health. Younger pupils were drawing pictures and older ones were preparing posters. Here are some works.