Mission College March 10 th, 2011 Laurel Jones
Enrollment of over 11.6 million students nationwide, 1.6 million in California. The starting point of many educational careers The starting point of many educational careers. 46% of all U.S. undergraduates 45% of all first-time freshmen A pathway to success for many. More than 490,000 associate degrees annually Nearly 235,000 two-year certificates annually Offering flexibility in education. Part-time students Evening, weekend and short-term courses, distance education
Founded in 1977 Service area includes portions of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, with students from throughout Silicon Valley Offers more than 70 academic, vocational and fundamental skills programs Serves over 12,000 students each term
Extremely Diverse Over 44% of students are age 30 or over Over 75% of students are non-White Attend classes at different times, in different ways. 19% take classes through Distance Education (online) 33% of classes taken in the evening Just over 20% of students are Full-Time
Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office: Data Mart
English(49%) 81% Speak English “very well” 19% Speak English less than “very well” English as a 2 nd Language (51%) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2009 39% foreign born Nearly half speak English as a 2 nd Language
Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office: Data Mart Full Time Students
Mission College Retention and Success Rates Total Enrollments Retained Retention Rate Statewide Retention Rate Spring 2010 Retention Rate 30,38925, Spring 2010 Success Rate 30,38920, Retention: Students complete a course Success: Students complete a course with a passing grade (A, B, C, or Credit) Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office: Data Mart
Only half of high school graduates are ready for a four-year college. High School Success Rates, Santa Clara County Graduates Graduates with UC/CSU Required Courses 4-Year Dropout Rate High School Graduates 16,2478, %16.1% Source: California Department of Education DataQuest
Santa Clara County: Projections Change 2010 to 2030 Change 2010 to 2030 Population 1,867,500 1,867,500 2,085,300 2,085,300 2,279,100 2,279,10022% Households 628, , , , , ,75022% Median Household Income 102, , , , , ,30024% Jobs 938, ,330 1,098,290 1,098,290 1,272,950 1,272,95036% Source: Silicon Valley Leadership Group: Projections 2010
Source: California Department of Employment Development
Professional Scientific & Technical Services Computer Electronic Product Mfg. Food Services & Drinking Places Admin. & Support Services Ambulatory Health Care Services Educational Services Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods Specialty Trade Contractors Hospitals Food & Beverage Stores Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Local Employment Dynamics 1. Professional Scientific & Technical Services 2. Computer & Electronic Product Mfg. 3. Food Services & Drinking Places 4. Administrative & Support Services 5. Ambulatory Health Care Services
Visioning Sessions President’s Technology and Community Advisory District Strategic Plan Please vote for the June Ballot Tax Extension!!!!