My name is Wirunchana Lommahathai ^^ you can call me Seen for short. I’m 20 years old. My birthday is January 1 st, 1992 :) yep it’s the new year day!!! Who am I ?
My home town is Suphanburi, have you ever been there? There aren’t many interesting places but I love it <3 Where am I from?
I study Veterinaty Medicine at KU!!!! Of course I’m very proud of my major :) I’m in the 2 nd year >< the goal is still so far but I will do my best. What do I study in university now?
I have a hamster at dorm <3 and I have 2 dogs, 5 cats and many fish at home ^^ How many pets do I have?
I love reading and listening to music. In my free time I always surf the internet and chat with friends and sometimes hang out with friends. What are my hobbies?
I like easy listening, R&B, pop hmmm actually I like to listen to evey kind of music except metal rock! What kind of my favorite musics?
I love novel books so much. Maybe I’m addicted reading novel already lol. Especially Love/Romantic novel books :) soooooo sweet What kind of my favorite books?
I collect novel books ^^ and I collect bookmarks and postcard from the novels also <3 I collect snail mails and postcards from my foreign friends. What do I collect?
Thanks for watching :) Babye ^^ So…..