Innovation and management
RIS: Innovators and facilitators
The first problem: “search for ideas to develop projects”. Before identifying and proposing ideas, though, it is necessary to inform yourselves about what is going on in your environment. The first problem: “search for ideas to develop projects”. Before identifying and proposing ideas, though, it is necessary to inform yourselves about what is going on in your environment. “The positioning of the company in different situations of a future scenario supplies the company with the required knowledge for the strategic planning, and for the definition of targets” (It acts as a “lighthouse” in the night). “The positioning of the company in different situations of a future scenario supplies the company with the required knowledge for the strategic planning, and for the definition of targets” (It acts as a “lighthouse” in the night).
For the design of future scenarios, define how you would like to see the company in the mid and long term, deciding which were the most relevant points to focus on: product, production process, market and general management. Identified your wishes in each of these fields using the “brain writing” methodology. For the design of future scenarios, define how you would like to see the company in the mid and long term, deciding which were the most relevant points to focus on: product, production process, market and general management. Identified your wishes in each of these fields using the “brain writing” methodology. Compare these future scenarios with the company’s key competencies to search for new ideas. Compare these future scenarios with the company’s key competencies to search for new ideas.
PRODUCT MANUFACTURING PROCESS MARKETMANAGEMENT Launch new products Reduce the time launching of new products Foster a collaboration policy Improve training Increase quality Change company’s organisation Improve marketing Improve quality Develop outsourcing services Improve equipment working method Attack new markets Develop Motivation – Communicati on policy Decrease product range Reinforce purchase policy
How to Strengthen the Regional Innovation Profile How to Strengthen the Regional Innovation Profile How to Strengthen the Regional Innovation Profile How to Strengthen the Regional Innovation Profile TECTRA HANDBOOK, ectra/ TECTRA HANDBOOK, ectra/ ectra/ ectra/