2 System Target One hundred percent of students are proficient in English language arts and mathematics. 2.Ninety-five percent of students in each student group graduate from HCPSS high schools college and career ready.
3 Session Outcome Participants will gain an awareness of Common Core Anchor Standards Assessment Design for the school year.
4 Organization of K-12 Grade Level Standards Comprehensive K-5 English Language Arts 6-12 Literacy in History, Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
5 What are Anchor Standards? These standards frame the document and define general, cross-disciplinary literacy expectations for college- and career-ready students. Anchor Standards
6 Design and Organization Four Strands Reading (including Reading Foundational Skills) Writing Speaking and Listening Language
7 10, 35, 60
8 18, 41, 63
22, 48 9
25, 51 10
11 Changes in Literacy Standards Colonial TimesSign your name 1879Oral reading with expression Third grade education WWI, Army Alpha Test to sort the troops Tenth grade education Twelfth grade education Multiple literacies: college and career ready 1940 Eighth grade education
Literacy Across the Curriculum Students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas in order to be college and career ready. Therefore, the Common Core Standards set requirements not only for English language arts but also for all other subjects. Teachers in other areas must have a role in literacy development as well. 12
13 Capacities of the Literate Individual (p. 7) Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline Comprehend as well as critique Value evidence Use technology and digital media strategically and capably Come to understand other perspectives and cultures
14 The Importance of Literacy “Literacy is still the unrivaled, but grossly under-implemented, key to learning both content and thinking skills.” Mike Schmoker in FOCUS, page 11.
15 Writing Common Core: Digging Deeper Instructional Strand – Writing (page 18) Area 1: Types and Purposes. Anchor Standard 1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Reviewing standards in grades K, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12
Writing Common Core: Digging Deeper State an opinion Draw, dictate, and write K State opinion Support point of view Create an organizational structure including a concluding statement Use linking words 3 Support reasons and information Ideas are logically grouped Provide logically ordered reasons supported by facts and information 5 Write arguments Support using credible sources and show an understanding of the text Establish and maintain a formal style 6 Distinguish the claim from opposite or opposing claims Clarify the relationship between claims, counterclaims, and reasons 8 Establish the significance of claims Provide evidence that anticipates audience’s knowledge, concerns, bias Establish formal style and objective tone 12 16
17 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Students will test four or five times during the school year in grades 3 through 11.
18 Assessments will show evidence that students … Are “on track” for college and career readiness in literacy. Can read and comprehend a range of sufficiently difficult texts independently. Write effectively when analyzing sources.
19 Through-Course (TC) Grades 3-8 Assessment Proposals TCI- Students compose one essay whose score will not be part of summative grade. TC2- Students compose one essay response to literary text; one essay response to informational text. TC3- Research Task – Students compose one short essay that requires analysis of one source. Students compose one long essay that requires a research question and integrates information from the first essay with shorter sources. Priority is on historical and scientific informational texts.
20 Through-Course (TC) Assessment Proposals (continued) Speaking and Listening — may be a requirement for certain grades.
21 End-of-the-Year Assessment Has the greatest weight of all the assessments. Includes full range of reading passages (literary and informational) 1.Grades 3-5 — 50% literary and 50% informational 2.Grade 6-8 — 40% literary and 60% informational