Middle Island Resources ADU Singapore Exploring Golden Frontiers
2 2 Disclaimer Notice The material in this presentation (“material”) is not and does not constitute an offer, invitation or recommendation to subscribe for, or purchase any security in Middle Island Resources Limited (“MDI”) nor does it form the basis of any contract or commitment. MDI makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this material. MDI, its directors, employees, agents and consultants shall have no liability, including liability to any person by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement, for any statements, opinions, information or matters, express or implied, arising out of, contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from this material except liability under statute that cannot be excluded. Statements contained in this material, particularly those regarding possible or assumed future performance, costs, dividends, production levels or rates, prices, resources, reserves or potential growth of MDI, industry growth or other trend projections are, or may be, forward looking statements. Such statements relate to future events and expectations and, as such, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward looking statements depending on a variety of factors. Qualified Person’s Statement The estimates of mineral reserves and resources were estimated as at December 31, 2012, the whole in accordance with the provisions adopted by the Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum and incorporated into NI These reserve and resource estimates from Samira Hill Mine were reviewed and approved by, Mr. Michel A. Crevier, P. Geo, MScA, Vice-President Exploration and Mining Geology, Semafo’s “qualified person” (as defined in NI ). Competent Persons’ Statement Information in this report relates to exploration results or mineral resources that are based on information compiled by Mr Rick Yeates and Mr Beau Nicholls who are fulltime employees of MDI and are Members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) respectively. Mr Yeates and Mr Nicholls have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activities undertaken to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr Yeates and Mr Nicholls consent to the inclusion in the presentation of the statements based on their information in the form and context in which they appear. Information relating to mineral resources associated with the Tialkam South Prospect is based on information compiled by Mr Bradley Ackroyd, a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (Competent Person). Mr. Ackroyd is an independent resource consultant and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he is undertaking, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code 2004). Mr. Ackroyd consents to the inclusion of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. Please note with regard to exploration targets, the potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource. Disclaimer Notice and Competent Person’s Statement
3 3 Capital StructureASX Code: MDI Shares on Issue125m (175m) Unlisted Options18.5m Number of Shareholders~700 Top 20 Shareholders~63% Directors~21% Institutions~30% Newmont~10% Cash (30/09/13)A$4.03m Market Cap (at A$0.085)A$10.6m
4 4 Board and Management Team Peter Thomas (Non-Executive Chairman) Retired Solicitor Corporate and commercial mining industry advice since 1980 Served on the boards of various listed companies since the 1980s Founding Chairman of Sandfire Resources NL Currently Chairman of four ASX listed companies Rick Yeates (Managing Director) Geologist 32 years international experience BHP, Newmont and Amax Co-founded consulting firm RSG (subsequently RSG Global & Coffey Mining) 23 years experience in West Africa Non-executive Director of Western Areas Limited Beau Nicholls (Technical Director) Geologist 18 years international experience in mining and exploration Proven track record of discovery & development on four continents 10 years international consulting experience with RSG, RSG Global & Coffey Mining 3 years as Regional Manager - West Africa Worked in all West African jurisdictions Linton Kirk (Non-Executive Director) Mining Engineer 32 years international experience in mining, earthmoving, contracting, management & consulting Extensive African gold experience as mining manager/general manager in Ghana, Zimbabwe & Zambia Previously Partner & Manager Mining for RSG Global & Chief Mining Engineer for Coffey Mining Non-executive director of MACA Limited Dennis Wilkins (Company Secretary) Accountant Principal of DW Corporate – corporate advisors Director, company secretary or corporate advisor to listed resource companies over 25 years 5 years merchant banking in London Extensive capital raising experience Director of Key Petroleum & Minemakers Andrew Chubb (Exploration Manager) Geologist 14 years international experience including Mali, Tanzania, DRC, Tunisia Consultant & company geologist Proven record of project management Highly developed technical & management skills Speaks French Resident in West Africa
5 5 Gold. West Africa. Minimum +1Moz ‘stand-alone’ resource base. Leverage off management’s 24 years local experience & contacts. Jurisdictions with acceptable risk profile. Jurisdictions with exposure to US$ gold price & costs. Domains with track record of successful project development. Corporate Strategy
6 6 3 West African countries (combined area of ~4,244km 2 ) Seeking to acquire 80% interest in the Samira Hill gold mine & mill, plus hold % interest in a further 7 exploration permits, comprising the Sirba Project – Niger (2,577km 2 ) 100% of Reo Project – Burkina Faso (1,166km 2 ) 100% of Nuon River Project – Liberia (1,135km 2 ) Projects
7 7 Consolidation of entire Sirba greenstone belt, including the Samira Hill gold operation % interest in a further 7 permits covering 2,577km 2 of under-explored Birimian greenstones. Covers 100km strike length of JICA regional gold soil anomaly. Samira Hill processing plant centrally located. Sirba Project (Niger) - Overview
8 8 Seeking to purchase a majority interest in the Samira Hill gold mine, via the acquisition of all the shares in AGMDC (a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of SEMAFO Inc.), which owns an 80% interest in Société des Mines du Liptako (SML) S.A., owner and operator of the Samira Hill Project. The Government of Niger owns the remaining 20% interest in SML. Purchase comprises a cash payment of US$1.25m and a net smelter return (NSR) royalty of 1.2%, payable at or above a gold price of US$1,450/oz & capped at US$12m. Sirba Project – Samira Hill Acquisition
9 9 2Mtpa oxide CIL processing facility, grid power & 6MW power station, tailings dam, 4ML process water reservoir, ancillary mobile fleet, mill spares, consumables, workshops, warehouses, 200 man camp & airstrip. 1.35Moz in reserves and resources (as at 31 December 2012). Reserves: 2-3 years production at ~50,000oz per annum. Potential mine life of >8 years if Inferred Resources are successfully converted. Considerable resource and exploration upside. Samira Hill - Production
10 Inferred Resource of 2.6Mt at 1.89g/t Au (157,000oz). 15km from Samira Hill process plant, 5km of which is on existing haul road. Priority target for infill drilling. Represents priority, higher grade production & revenue opportunity. Abundant exploration potential along magnetic trend between Tala Tonde & Libiri. Samira Hill - Tala Tonde Deposit
11 Presents a significant resource opportunity. 12km from Samira Hill processing plant. Initial 4,314m RC resource drilling program completed. Exceptional maiden drill results include:- 21m at 4.89g/t Au 19m at 4.16g/t Au 17m at 3.05g/t Au 12m at 4.34g/t Au 15m at 2.30g/t Au 13m at 2.73g/t Au Sirba Project - Tialkam South Prospect
12 Indicated and Inferred Resource of 2.02Mt at 1.82g/t Au, 117,300oz gold. Indicative average recoveries of 95% and 78% from oxide and transitional mineralisation respectively. Initial strike length of 350m, to a depth of ~100m & remains open in all directions. Represents priority, higher grade production & revenue opportunity. Further 9 satellite targets identified within Tialkam & Deba permits. Permit extensions in progress. Middle Island has a100% interest, subject to a 3% NSR royalty with a US$3M buy-out option. Sirba Project - Tialkam South Prospect
13 Greenfields discovery in the Nassilé permit. No artisanal workings or surface geochemical expression. 10km long, high tenor (to 3.1g/t Au) auger anomaly, with multiple results >0.5g/t (500ppb) Au. Veneered by 7-9m of alluvial cover. Three en echelon zones (aggregate 16km strike length). Lies between arcuate granodiorite contact to west & major first order structure (50m wide quartz vein) to east. Auger anomaly infilled to 200m x 100m spacing. Reconnaissance RC drilling recently completed. Exceptional, priority target. Sirba Project - Kimba Prospect
14 7 permits covering 1,166km km west of Ouagadougou. Excellent access and infrastructure. Proximal to new gold operations (Mana, Bissa). 50km long shear zone provides focus for exploration. Reo Project (Burkina Faso) - Overview
15 1-2Moz target potential. Veneered by 4m of transported laterite cover. 60m deep oxide profile. Extensive, zoned alteration system. 5,000m infill RAB & 5,000m RC programs recently completed. 2.5km long, open-ended mineralised zone. Plus 4 higher grade satellite targets within 4km radius. Gold recoveries of 93%, 97% and 95% for oxide, transitional and primary ore types. More significant intersections include 18m at 2.51g/t, 4m at 16.2g/t, 4m at 14.0g/t, 12m at 4.99g/t, 12m at 4.11g/t, 4m at 12.2g/t, 36m at 1.25g/t, 16m at 2.66g/t, 16m at 1.95g/t, 13m at 2.19g/t &10m at 3.47g/t Au. Reo Project - K4/K5 Prospect
16 Two, broad, high grade east-west trending lodes that dip moderately north. Numerous significant trench & drill results defined to date:- - 34m at 16.4g/t Au m at 17.4g/t Au - 39m at 2.62g/t Au - 10m at 9.63g/t Au - 38m at 2.51g/t Au - 11m at 7.97g/t Au - 10m at 7.55g/t Au High grade, open pit satellite resource. 20km north of K4/K5. Reo Project - Morley Prospect
17 100% interest in 5 permits covering 1,135km 2. BLEG stream sediment sampling & airborne magnetic surveys completed over whole project area. 8 priority gold anomalies defined. Mambo & Middle East prospects most significant. Probable divestment. Nuon River Project (Liberia) - Overview
18 Essential to build political & social capital from the outset. Up to 5% of annual exploration budget dedicated to community development programs & projects. 11 projects completed or underway in all three jurisdictions. Community Development
19 Samira Hill ($5.14m) –Tala Tondé (infill and extension RC drilling). –Tondé Boubangou (infill RC drilling). –Budget included in cashflow modelling. Sirba Project ($2.04m) −Tialkam South (infill RC, feasibility studies). −Sefa Nangue (RC drilling, metallurgy, studies). −Kimba (RAB & RC drilling). Reo Project (up to $1.94m) −K4/K5 (RC drilling, metallurgy, baseline studies). Nuon River Project −Divest Exploration & Feasibility Program
20 Potential near-term cashflow from Samira Hill (~50,000oz pa). Highly experienced West African team. Capital structure intact. ~A$4M cash; no debt. Newmont as a cornerstone corporate shareholder (10.15%). Major international institutions well represented on register (~30%). Quality exploration & development projects. Ideally positioned for production and further discoveries. Conclusions