Assign roles officially Brainstorming before meeting with client Agency name (most agencies, like law firms, use partners’ last names, often shortening the final name to an acronym) Client meeting and client presentation of new products Brainstorming after meeting with client Name of product Slogan, campaign ideas More Questions for Client Begin Research/Laptops
Target audience: Students 14-18, all income levels Slogan TBD by agency Persuasive Appeal Use any “pathos/logos/ethos” propaganda techniques to work on emotions of audience. All appeals and rhetorical devices are at your fingertips.
Target audience: Students 14-18, all income levels Slogan TBD by agency Persuasive Appeal Use any “pathos/logos/ethos” propaganda techniques to work on emotions of audience. All appeals and rhetorical devices are at your fingertips.
Target audience: Students 14-18, all income levels Slogan TBD by agency Persuasive Appeal Use any “pathos/logos/ethos” propaganda techniques to work on emotions of audience. All appeals and rhetorical devices are at your fingertips.
Target audience: Students 14-18, all income levels Slogan TBD by agency Persuasive Appeal Use any “pathos/logos/ethos” propaganda techniques to work on emotions of audience. All appeals and rhetorical devices are at your fingertips.
Wants--Innovative visuals for TV and print ads Lots of color stimulation and movement, plus good rhetorical devices and argument appeals (propaganda) to play on emotions of audience Wants--A Unifying slogan and theme for both ads (print and tv). Wants--A professional delivery of the campaign