- 1 - Networking costs Estimation of costs for campuses Jean-Paul Le Guigner
Contributors ã Brian Gilmore (Edindburg university) ã David Williams (Terena and CERN) ã Jean-Paul Le Guigner (Universities in France) If you strongly disagree and wish to punch some one in the face don’t look elsewhere
The goal Estimation of the costs for : Estimation of the costs for : the different components of campus networking supporting teams connectivity to the NREN and the Internet. Varies from country to country (need more work) Almost deterministic if agreement on rules Depend on the committment of the university and the extend of services provided by the team
Assumptions and guidelines One campus medium size (in the european standard) undergraduate students 1500 staff (with post-graduate) installed Ethernet ports active simultaneously Costs are expressed by installed ports (wired) Depreciation Cabling (local, inter-building, MANs, …) 15 years, Equipment 5 years.
Items of cost (if you had to pay for all) Cabling the proximity (wired, wireless) Interconnecting buildings to reach the core network Equipments : Switches from local ports to network core Core routers, switches, security and basic services equipments Personnel (installation, supervision, maintenance, services) + [MANs, [Regional network]], NREN
NREN Res. & Educ. Internet Very simple case Total cost = campus costs + NREN costs! Includes GEANT and CIT
NREN Res. & Educ. Internet MAN Leased circuit A bit more complex : add the NREN costs + MAN costs and even in some cases leased circuits.
Regional network MAN NREN Res. & Educ. Internet Even more complicated for Some countries (France, Spain, …) Need to add costs of regional nets.
Details (you can read in deliverable D18) Cost element Initial per- port investment Number of years for depreciation Annual per-port cost Cabling from the office to the local switch Optical fibre infrastructure from the local switch to the network core Share of switches from port to network core405 8 Share of main router and main switches plus energy, cooling, security equipment Maintenance of campus equipment 1 2 Inter-campus optical fibre (MAN)15 1 Inter-campus equipment551 Total annual hardware cost per active port for campus (plus MAN access to NREN PoP, if necessary) 30-37
Details (you can read in deliverable D18) Cost element Initial per-port investment Number of years for depreciation Annual per-port cost Personnel for maintenance, installation, services, security, … Total annual cost per active port for campus, including personnel NREN cost per active Ethernet connection 125 Total annual cost per active port for campus including NREN connectivity Regional network cost (if any) per active Ethernet connection 13(?) Wireless access from the office to the local switch – can sometimes be an alternative to cabled access3056
Remarks (1) All the numbers proposed may be subject for discussion particularly NRENs and Regional network costs per port and the cost of supporting teams Wireless will soon spread all around the campuses this will lower the costs a bit but not so much actually and security is still an issue, which put constraints on the network architecture and the personnel in charge wired (copper or even fiber) will still be necessary for medium and high levels of usage.
Remarks (2) Personnel costs is one of the major item in the list and if we want to have well managed, reliable and secured networking with up to date technology it’s not going to decrease. Smaller sites need to spend even more on this chapter to get real good expertise. They of course can share expertise and services with others (easy to say ).
That’s the end for me (and today) not for this study may be.