The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood A Geographical Adventure
Planning The film is based on the famous fairy story of Little Red Riding Hood and supports the Year 2 Literacy unit of study on traditional tales. The film also supports our Geography work in Year 2. We are focusing on what geographical perspectives the children have of their own environment We reworked the narrative to base the story in our town of Southborough.
Story writing The children wrote chapters for the story based in different locations around Southborough. Each location tells the story of Little Red Riding Hoods journey to grannys house and how she avoided danger with the help of the wolf. Each location represents childrens perceptions of hazards in our local environment.
Location Choices The story gave us geographical locations for Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf to visit in the story. The next step was to turn our narrative into a film. Using street maps of the area around our school the children chose specific film locations for us to use. We visited the locations to decide whether they were suitable for filming.
Filming the Story The children took on the roles of a film crew to produce video footage of the story. Actors Camera operators Narrators Set design Costume design Location managers
Costume design Drawing a wolf mask. Choosing a wolf skin!
Set Production Some of the locations were interior locations so we built sets in our music room and library.
On Location Over the course of a week we revisited the outdoor locations and shot the film footage.
Narration Children were used to narrate the story and we recorded their voices using a digital sound recorder.
Adding Music The children chose pieces of music to suit each geographical location in the film. The mood of the music had to suit the location.
Editing the music. The music and sound were edited by the children using Audacity, a simple sound editing application which is available as a free download from the Internet.
Editing the film The film was edited using Windows Movie Maker. Again the children were involved in this process.
What did we learn from the filming experience? We shouldnt cross the main London Road unless we use the pedestrian crossing. The London Road is very dangerous because there are always lots of cars. You should not sit at the end of a slide in case someone hurts you. There are slides in Crundwell Road Park and Pennington Park. Be careful in the parks! Never climb up places where it says danger on it. The electricity box is very dangerous. There is a yellow danger sign on it. It says danger of death. Dont pick up glass because you could cut yourself. The alleyway near Prospect Road has lots of dangerous broken glass. Some of Southborough is dangerous. You need to be with a grown up to support you and look after you. They can help you stay safe. Never walk into the woods by yourself. You can have fun there but make sure you are with a grown up