Investigating Geography with the Editorial Collective Geographical Association annual conference, Manchester, April 2009
Purpose of session To gain feedback on the GAs journal Geography, re-launched in Spring 2008 with a new editorial team, new format and new aims and objectives To encourage potential authors by demystifying the editorial process To meet the Editorial Collective: Peter Jackson, Stuart Lane, John Morgan, Eleanor Rawling.
Aims and Objectives Geography aims to re-energise the subject at all levels of education by stimulating dialogue and debate about the essential character and contribution of the subject Articles should be relevant to geographers and educationalists in schools, colleges and universities worldwide and to those involved in teaching, curriculum development, advanced study and research.
The new format Editorial Main articles ( words) Challenging assumptions ( words) This Changing World (1500 words) Spotlight on… (2000 words) Reviews
Potential authors Discuss ideas with a member of the Editorial Collective Submit articles to Dorcas Turner (editorial assistant) at GA HQ – provides help at all stages of the production process including sourcing illustrations, clearing copyright etc Editor assigned and paper sent to referees (usually includes a member of Advisory Board) Editorial decision: accept, accept with revisions, revise and resubmit, reject.
Comments, feedback, Q and A? Geography: an international journal? What kind of papers do readers find most/ least useful? How encourage more submissions that meet our aims? Any barriers that we can help overcome? More effective use of website? Other ideas and suggestions?