Current major projects – brief update Paddling Pool Paddling Pool Build starts September 2014, final design details being sorted by contractor Build starts September 2014, final design details being sorted by contractor Market Square Toilets Market Square Toilets Planning consent obtained, quotes received, currently interviewing potential contractors Planning consent obtained, quotes received, currently interviewing potential contractors Newtown Road Memorial Garden Newtown Road Memorial Garden Quotes and design received, awaiting committee approval Quotes and design received, awaiting committee approval A Memorial bench is being donated A Memorial bench is being donated Monastery Park Monastery Park Awaiting Cllr Harris Awaiting Cllr Harris Additional Burial space Additional Burial space Proposal for re-use of part of Old Cemetery by ‘double decking’ in preparation, hopefully for next meeting of E&PA Proposal for re-use of part of Old Cemetery by ‘double decking’ in preparation, hopefully for next meeting of E&PA Cemetery - Management for nature (‘wild cemetery’) Cemetery - Management for nature (‘wild cemetery’) Following expert advice ‘Summer’ area was created and operational though summer season Following expert advice ‘Summer’ area was created and operational though summer season Now strimmed for winter and replaced by smaller winter area Now strimmed for winter and replaced by smaller winter area Riverside Quarter Improvements Riverside Quarter Improvements Revised scheme created, confirmation of funding (District) received Revised scheme created, confirmation of funding (District) received Hopeful that work will start October Hopeful that work will start October Sworders Field Masterplan Sworders Field Masterplan Up to £k28.5 secured from section 106 monies (John Dyde) funding pathway to play area & bridge Up to £k28.5 secured from section 106 monies (John Dyde) funding pathway to play area & bridge Detailed route being planned Detailed route being planned No further progress at present on third party funding No further progress at present on third party funding © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Sworders Field Masterplan – Funding status SourceFunding sought for StatusRequest (£K) Secured to date (£K) Note Town CouncilPoolApproved140 Town CouncilMatching other sources Approved k in 2014/15, 100k in 2015/16 Big LotteryWhole project except paddling pool Fails to meet criteria 15000Ironically the paddling pool refurbishment would meet the criteria Sports for allSkatepark, BMX Track Refused700Refused on grounds of ‘insufficient impact’ EHDC (Section 106) Path from Causeway->play area->First bridge Accepted2528.5Section 106 monies left over from John Dyde development assigned to the project EHDC (Section 106) Remaining pathsRequest submitted 1180Requested in association with ASR5 development Viridor Credits (Landfill Tax) BMX TrackApplication being created 0We will be requesting 60K Stansted Community Fund Will not fund Parish/Town Councils 0 TOTAL368.5Total required approx. 1M © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Sworders Field Masterplan – Implementation status © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council ItemEst. Cost (£K) Status Paddling pool refurbishment140Funding secured, contractors appointed, build commences Sept 2014 Feature Entrance50Awaiting funding Boat Pontoon50Awaiting funding, interest from Whoosh explore Riverside Café350Awaiting funding. ‘Pop-up’ café operational for 8 weekends Summer 2014 Picnic Area10Complete, free of charge by youth team Beach & dropped pathway25Awaiting funding Access paths (play area)25Funding secured, implementation 2014 Circular and access path120Funding sought from S106 in association with ASR5 BMX track50Awaiting funding Enhanced Skatepark100+Awaiting funding Grafitti Wall20Complete, free of charge by South Anglia Housing Provision of electricity, water & waste for events25Awaiting funding Feature planting6Awaiting funding Drainage improvements50Awaiting funding