Building an Athena Job with GANGA a step-by-step GUI approach Tutorial Material by C L Tan
j = Job()'Athena_DQ2_IO' j.application=Athena() j.application.prepare() j.application.option_file= '$HOME/athena/testarea/11.0.5/InstallArea/jobOptions/UserAnalysis/AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions. py' j.inputdata=DQ2Dataset() j.inputdata.type='DQ2_LOCAL' j.inputdata.dataset="csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v " j.inputdata.names=[ 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v _00025.pool.root.5', 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v _00028.pool.root.2', 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v _00017.pool.root.2' ] j.outputdata=DQ2OutputDataset() j.outputdata.outputdata=['AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root'] j.backend=LCG() j.backend.CE='' j.submit() j = Job()'Athena_DQ2_IO' j.application=Athena() j.application.prepare() j.application.option_file= '$HOME/athena/testarea/11.0.5/InstallArea/jobOptions/UserAnalysis/AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions. py' j.inputdata=DQ2Dataset() j.inputdata.type='DQ2_LOCAL' j.inputdata.dataset="csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v " j.inputdata.names=[ 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v _00025.pool.root.5', 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v _00028.pool.root.2', 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v _00017.pool.root.2' ] j.outputdata=DQ2OutputDataset() j.outputdata.outputdata=['AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root'] j.backend=LCG() j.backend.CE='' j.submit() Athena Job Building (CLI-style) We have seen
Working with the Ganga GUI Now to try
GUI main window To start the GANGA GUI, simply type: $ /afs/ a --gui
Job Builder window Create a new job by clicking on the New button. j = Job()
Choose application In the Job Builder window, select the application(Executable) job attribute from the job attributes list and left-click on the corresponding drop-drop menu. Choose Athena. j.application = Athena()
Provide job options file Provide the option file required by the Athena job. Use the Browse button if necessary. j.application.option_file = ‘$HOME/athena/testarea/ /PhysicsAnalysis/Analy sisCommon/UserAnalysis/run/AnalysisSkeleton_topOpti’
Choose backend Select the backend(Local) job attribute from the job attributes list and left-click on the corresponding drop-drop menu. Choose LCG. j.backend = LCG()
Provide CE location Provide the location of the CE. j.backend.CE = ‘ bqs-short’
Choose input data type Select the inputdata(None) job attribute from the job attributes list and left-click on the corresponding drop-drop menu. Choose DQ2Dataset. j.inputdata = DQ2Dataset()
Provide input dataset Provide the name of the input dataset required by the job. j.inputdata.dataset = ‘csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v ’
Provide file names in dataset (optional) Use the Add button to create additional name entries. j.inputdata.names = [ 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v ot.5', 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v ot.2', 'csc PythiaH130zz4l.recon.AOD.v ot.2' ]
Define input dataset type Define the type of the input data. j.inputdata.type = ‘DQ2_LOCAL’
Choose output dataset definition Select the outputdata(None) job attribute from the job attributes list and left-click on the corresponding drop-drop menu. Choose DQ2OutputDataset. j.outputdata = DQ2OutputDataset()
Define output data filename Use the Add button to create additional name entries. j.outputdata.outputdata = [‘AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root’]
Define retrieval destination of output data. Define the location of the output data upon retrieval. j.outputdata.local_location = ‘$HOME/myGangaOutputdataDir’
Prepare the job Left-click and hold on to the Extras button to reveal pop-up menus. Select Job.application>prepare. j.application.prepare()
Submit job... Retrieve Job Output Click on the Submit button. j.submit() When job has completed, to retrieve job output, click on the Retrieve Output button.
Retrieve Job Output (cont.) The output retrieval window: 1) view/edit output files with the Open button. 2) retrieve selected file to an alternative location with Browse button (to select destination directory) followed by the Retrieve button.
Retrieve Output Data Select appropriate job tab in Job Builder, left-click and hold on to the Extras button. Select Job.outputdata>retrieve. Data will be retrieved to location defined in job.outputdata.local_location. jobs[10].subjobs[0].outputdata.retrieve()
Ignore argument list request The j.outputdata.retrieve() method takes two arguments. These are not in use at the moment. Click Ok.
Done! End of Athena job building exercise