A GENDA Welcome FY13 Budgeting Current Topics Support Update – Pam Fournie Most frequent support topics – Jean Shuler FY14 Budget Development Status Revenue & Expense – Eva Ostrow Compensation Budgeting - Jean Shuler Q & A
FY13 B UDGETING Support statistics
FY13 B UDGETING Top support topics Installing the RAPS Planning Client How do I budget and source employees who receive fringes but no salary? How to exclude an existing employee from the budget? How do I add a LC-D-Fund for a General Operating or Carry Forward account that is not available in the sourcing drop-down list? How to set up an account during the budget process, and when is it not necessary to do so. How do I convert/export a report to Excel?
FY13 B UDGETING Installing the RAPS Planning Client If you are new or you are using a different PC, the java component will need to be downloaded the first time you access the models. Do this under your id, not that of an administrator. Instructions are on the home page of under Getting Started, RAPS Planning Client Installation Instructions OR you can just following the prompts: Once you click on a node a button will pop up that says “Install Now.” (A message will also display to close your browser for the changes to take effect.) Next a File Download window will appear. You can simply select the “Run” button. After allowing a few minutes, close your browser, then navigate back. A message that the Contributor app is updating will appear. After the message has closed, the installation is complete.
FY13 B UDGETING How do I budget and source employees who receive fringes but no salary? The easiest way to accomplish this is to budget $1 for salary. Primary Jobs – Enter $1 for the Tot Sal w/o FTE Change field. If the job has zero FTE then the Job Salary Override field can be used to enter the $1 salary, but there should be Total FTE in order to calculate H&O and Dependent Tuition fringe. Secondary Jobs - Enter $1 for the Job Sal w/o FTE Change field. New Jobs – For a transferring employee, enter $1 in the Proposed Job Salary field. Also update the Proposed Total and Proposed Job FTE. Note: H&O and Dependent Tuition Fringes are based on the relationship between Proposed Total FTE and Job FTE. If both FTE’s are equal to 1, the model will calculate a full health allowance and dependent tuition rate.
FY13 B UDGETING How to exclude an existing employee from the budget? Enter “Y” in the Exclude from budget row in primary or secondary tabs. In addition, zero out the following rows for the employee: Merit % Proposed Total FTE in the Primary tab Proposed Job FTE in both Primary and Secondary tabs Navigate to the source tab, remove any pre-loaded lines of sourcing. Note: Tool tips are available to help with this process.
FY13 B UDGETING How do I add a LC-Dept-Fund for a General Operating or Carry Forward account that is not available in the sourcing drop-down list? Use the New LC12-Dept-Fund tab. Enter the new account using one of the available 12-dddd-Newxx slots. On the source tab, use the corresponding 12-ddd-Newxx for the account being added. Note: You will still need to have the account set up in AIS. Once it is, the 12-dddd-Newxx will be replaced in the datamart by the account you have requested. It will not be changed in the model.
FY13 B UDGETING How to set up an account during the budget process, and when is it not necessary to do so. Departments must contact Accounting Services for new general operating accounts and new carry-forward accounts to be set up in AIS. If the account is needed to be added in the General Operating model right away, please contact Kathy Anderson at for a copy of the form. Indicate on the form that the account is needed for budgeting If the account is not needed immediately in the General Operating model, then the RAPS Budgeting Account add form is not necessary because the account will get added during the monthly load process once it has been established as a “new” AIS account.
FY13 B UDGETING How do I convert/export a report to Excel? To export a report to Excel, after you have run the report in RAPS, click the down arrow to the right of the View in PDF Format button in the upper right hand corner of your report toolbar. From the options, select “View in Excel,” then choose the applicable Excel version. For more detailed instructions a tutorial is available by selecting RAPS Helpful Tips, Converting a Report to Excel from the Home page under Getting Started.
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE Three advantages of the upgraded software are: Enhanced performance Faster results and reports General Operating and Specific Purpose funds are in the same model
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE FY13 General Operating Revenue and Expense model is shown for reference Department funds are within the organization structure in the e-list Department funds are typically opened individually
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE Planned FY 14 Revenue and Expense model A roll-up can include both General Operating and Specific Purpose funds
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE The Admin roll-up is opened as an example Opening a roll-up will open all department funds within that roll-up simultaneously. Historic data will be available as it is currently. Tabs reflect department fund groupings as follows: GO No94 GO 94Endowment Gift fundsSP AggregateTransfers – new in FY14
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE A dynamic subset gives users ability to choose more or fewer column categories. FY13 Bud is chosen as an example.
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE Results are individual column categories for all department funds within a fund group.
FY14 R EVENUE & E XPENSE Additional planned features CFU will have monthly budgeting capability. A summary tab adjacent to the Transfers tab will combine data for all General Operating and Specific Purpose department funds within a roll- up. Core formatted data will be available as another model tab or via report Users will be able to use a Sandbox while working on what-if budgeting scenarios. Sandboxes are private views or scenarios.
FY14 C OMPENSATION B UDGETING Simplifying the Compensation Budgeting Model Primary, Secondary, Other Jobs and HR Data tabs will be combined. The end user will enter the job amount and that will apply to the total employee, in the case of Primary Jobs. The nodes will continue to be structured by Academic, Staff and Other Employees. Hope to have additional nodes for displaying of Financial Sourcing where it pertains. Pool checks section is eliminated, but a new % is being added to account for additional % guideline allowed that is not merit %. For Jobs that are budgeted as positions instead of named. New view available for Non-Track faculty for Arts & Sciences. Other Schools please let us know if you are interested in this. New view available for Staff Zero-Standard Hour employees.
FY14 C OMPENSATION B UDGETING Simplifying the Compensation Budgeting Model New Jobs and Monthly Budget will be handled very similarly to how they are handled today. Source tab selection of valid accounts can be made more selective. Aggregates will flow through Monthly Budget and Source tabs like any other job. No sourcing on the aggregates tab. Subclass 10 will be elevated to work as a regular subclass. The work-around will be gone. The Sourced Budget tab will display sourcing from outside your node when sourced to the department/node. A view will be supplied for easier identification of To Be Sourced amounts. New add accounts feature will be available. May still need to go through RAPS Support initially, but will not work like the New LC-D-F feature works.
W RAP UP Q & A Next meeting Friday, April 20