1 Unified Modeling Language Michael K. Wildes University of California, Riverside – Extension Program Presentation 2
2 Definition Customer The person who the IT personnel are building the system for They must be the owner of the system as well The trick is to identify the real customer The real customer (owner) has the checkbook
3 Definition User The user is one who will interact with the system They are important as they report to the owner problems Both the customer and the user must be satisfied !
4 Definition Actor A person or thing that interacts with a computer system An actor can have many roles customer employee Clerk An actor can also be another computer system
5 Definition Initiating Actor An actor who initiates a business transaction For example Customer who makes a purchase Employee who places timecard into time clock Client who makes a payment
6 Definition Participating Actor An actor who is a part of the system They facilitate the business transaction For example Clerk who enters the purchase into a Point of Sale terminal Clerk who places paper in the printer Accountant who audits report Credit card authorization system
7 Planning is a very critical phase It requires much interaction between analysts, owners, and users The preliminary investigation and the Project Specifications report must show that the system is feasible before continuing into analysis If not, stop the process PLANNING
8 Definition Feasibility A project is feasible if it appears that automation will solve the user's information related problem while satisfying economic, operational, technical, organizational, environmental, and temporal constraints
9 Definition Economic Feasibility A project is economically feasible if it appears that the solution is affordable
10 Definition Operational Feasibility A project is operationally feasible if it appears that the solution can be operated by the participants
11 Definition Technical Feasibility A project is technically feasible if it appears that the solution is possible with today’s technology
12 Definition Organizational Feasibility A project is organizationally feasible if it appears that the solution is political doable within the organization
13 Definition Environmental Feasibility A project is environmentally feasible if it appears that the solution is not harmful to the environment
14 Definition Temporal Feasibility A project is temporally feasible if it appears that the solution can be created in time This is one that can make or break a lot of systems Remember Time Boxing
15 Definition Time Boxing Placing a due date for each deliverable from two weeks to two months It is much easier to complete a small goal rather than a large one
16 Definition Measurability Must overcome the ‘Productivity Paradox’. Must explain the ‘Increasing Returns Model’ The user must be able to judge that the goal was met This means the goal should be expressed in quantitative terms
17 Definition Measurability continued For example A video can be rented in less than 15 seconds The fine was computed correctly A minimum wage employee with less than two hours of training can learn to use the point of sale terminal
18 Definition Constraint A limit on the system For example Budget for project is $20, Must be completed in six months Must be usable by a minimum wage employee Must provide for changes in sales tax laws
19 Definition Constraints can be hard or soft A hard constraint is set by an external entity This means that your organization can not change them For example By law, mortgage statements must show new APR by July 1 By law the Medicare withholding must be changed by January 1
20 Definition A soft constraint is set by an internal entity This means that your organization can change them For example Must be usable by a minimum wage employee Budget for project is $20, Some existing business rules may have to be changed
21 Definition Event An occurrence by an initiating actor that a system responds to Sometimes called an external event as it is generated outside the system
22 Definition Environmental Diagram Shows actors system participants events and how they interact
23 Definition Environmental Diagram Rent Video Pay Employees Video Store Information System Clerk Customer Payroll Clerk
24 Definition Use Case A narrative description of a system process initiated by an external event Consists of actor actions and system responses for each individual step
25 Definition Use Case Select 4 or 5 High-Level Use Cases. Brief elaboration of these. Prioritize Use Cases. Can use ‘Scoring Method’ to Prioritize Focus on 2 Expanded, Full-Dress Use Cases
26 Definition System Event The Actor actions for each individual step They consist of: typing in text boxes selecting from list boxes pushing buttons of forms
27 Definition System Response The specific System Response for each system event For example: Display price Print Receipt Post transaction to journal
28 Deliverables 2.List system functions and attributes For example record sale or Record sale in less than ten seconds Record sale using a web page May be hidden such as Post transaction to journal
29 Deliverables 3.Use case definitions The use case is identified Include its name Include initiating and participation actors Overview A customer arrives at a POS terminal with good to purchase. The cashier records the purchase and the customer leaves with the goods upon completion
30 Deliverables Prototype Purpose is to show screens that user will be working with Probably will not have much functionality Possibly done in Visual Basic
31 Deliverables Draft Conceptual Model Is just of list of each domain (business) object For example: Customer Store Product
32 Deliverables Draft of Possible System Architecture This is related to feasibility Hardware costs and performance let decision makers know if system is feasible
33 Summary UML provides a standard for the following artifacts: Project Specifications Environmental Diagram System functions & attributes High level Use Cases
34 Summary Artifacts (cont’d) Expanded Use Cases (top of page 67) Typical Course of Events and System Response Table (pages 67-70) Draft conceptual model