TrueFalseQuick Quiz A regulatory law is usually one that has been passed to protect the public welfare. A quasi-criminal offence is usually punishable by a lengthy prison sentence. Actus reus is defined as a guilty act. Recklessness is a legal term that refers only to motor vehicle offences. With respect to mens rea, motive is the same as intent. The perpetrator is the person who actually commits a particular crime. Aiding and abetting are basically the same. To prove a person guilty of conspiracy, the Crown must show that the person agreed to commit a particular crime. To find someone guilty of counselling to commit a crime, that person must be present when the crime is committed. Quasi-criminal laws fall under federal jurisdiction. A person accused of an absolute liability offence can use the defence of due diligence.
Learning Goal I can describe the role of people involved in a criminal trial (e.g., lawyer, judge, jury, duty counsel, Crown attorney)
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Participants in the Courtroom ParticipantRole (in your own words) Judge Decision maker about legality of evidence, appropriateness of witnesses, questions etc. Defendant person accused of the crime or offence Duty Counsel free lawyer assigned by the government to needy defendants Defence Attorney Tries to prove innocence of accused or recommend fair sentence if pleading guilty Crown Attorney Presents evidence and witnesses of crime committed to prove guilt of accused Court clerk assists judge: swears in witnesses, arraignment Court Reporter Creates a record of everything said in the courtroom Sheriff Manages the jury – court security BailiffSheriff’s assistant Witness person who gives sworn testimony - evidence JuryGroup of 12 selected to decides guilt or innocence
From Page 169 of your textbook
Court Career Profiles - youtube
Career Profile: Judge
Career Profile: Crown Attorney
Career Profile: Court Clerk
Career Profile: Court Reporter
The Stenographic Machine The stenotype keyboard looks more like a piano than a conventional alphanumeric keyboard. Multiple keys are pressed simultaneously (known as "chording" or "stroking") to spell out whole syllables, words, and phrases with a single hand motion. This system makes realtime transcription practical for court reporting and live closed captioning. Keyboard layout
Career Profile: Sheriff