The Obama Plan Cedric K. Dark, MD, MPH Disclaimer: I’m not advocating for the plan, I’m just analyzing it...but you gotta’s a million times better than McCain’s
Scope of the Problem 47 million uninsured 9 million uninsured children
Rising Costs Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
How To Fix It
National Health Plan Guaranteed enrollment Comprehensive benefits (similar to FEHBP) Fair premiums & minimal co-pays Subsidies Simplifying paperwork Easy enrollment Portability and choice Quality & efficiency
National Health Insurance Exchange A “watchdog” & reformer of private market (creates rules and standards) All plans must at least be as generous as “public plan” Guaranteed issue & no risk rating
Employers Pay or play philosophy
Children Mandated coverage Expansion of S-CHIP
States Can continue to experiment as long as provide plans at least as generous as “public plan”
Re-insurance Government to re-insure for “catastrophic” coverage
Quality Comparative effectiveness research Pay-for-performance Care coordination & disease management Disparities Health information technology ($10B/5yr)
Insurers Need more competition
Pharmaceuticals Drug reimportation Generics Negotiation of Medicare D Rx prices
Prevention & Public Health Healthier workplaces Tackle childhood obesity Support health care providers
Malpractice Will be improved...but how?
What’s Your Take... Who are the winners? Losers? What’s easy to accomplish? Hard? Short term goals? Long term?
References “Barack Obama’s Plan for a Healthier America.” Accessed from: Obama’s Plan for a Healthier America.” Accessed from: Kaiser Family Foundation. “Employer Health Benefits 2006 Annual Survey” Accessed from: