Julius Caesar Act III Vocabulary William Shakespeare
Bell Ringer Part I: Act III Vocabulary Directions: In the graphic organizer, write each word. 1.puissant [pyoo-is-uh nt] 2.malice [mal-is] 3.appease [uh-peez] 4.strife [strahyf] 5.oration [aw-rey-shuh n] 6.Base [beys] 7.coffers [kaw-fers, kof-ers] 8.mantle [man-tl] 9.conspirator [kuh n-spir-uh-ter]
Bell Ringer Part II: VOCABULARY /KNOWLEDGE RATING Directions: Next to each word provide a rating based on the scale below: 1 = I don’t know it at all. 2 = I’ve seen it or heard it before. 3 = I think I know what it means but I could use a review. 4 = I know it well and can easily teach it to the class.
What Do You Think It Means? 1.Because the dictator was puissant, he could do anything he wanted without seeking permission. 2.Since I bare no malice towards you, I do not understand why we cannot be friends. 3.If my husband does something wrong, he will try to appease me by buying my favorite flowers. 4.A tactical team was sent to end the strife between the two gangs. 5.President Obama gave an oration at Lawson State Community College.
What Do You Think It Means? 6.Stealing is a base way of life. 7.The fund for stimulus is nothing but the recollected money being held at the government's coffer. 8.Batman wears a black mantle. 9.John admitted that he was a conspirator in a plot to steal money.
Copy the words and definitions. Then write the letter of the word that corresponds with the vocabulary word. ____1. puissantA. struggle, fight, or quarrel ____2. maliceB. formal speech ____3. appeasedC. Cloak or cape ____4. strifeD. one who plans with others to commit an ____5. oration illegal act ____6. baseE. powerful; mighty ____7. coffersF. public treasury ____8. mantleG. soothed; pacified ____9. conspiratorH. ill-will or spite I. devoid (not possessing) of high values or ethics.