Ellery Jacobs (Main Character-Private in the Army) also called EJ Hanna Jacobs (Ellery’s Sister) (college student) Rachel Jacobs (EJ and Hanna’s mom) (Freelance Writer) Stephen Jacobs (EJ and Hanna’s father, married to Rachel) (Corporate Lawyer) Dr. Allen (Family doctor) Dr. David Fitzgerald (new family doctor) Dr. Ron Mitchell (surgeon and friend of Dr. Fitzgerald) Nurse Jean Isley Synergy General (large hospital in Oregon’s capital that buys out local hospital) Port Cape Memorial (local hospital) Jessica Sawyer (EJs girlfriend, who he lost touch with after graduation and entering the military) (teacher) Mark Davidson (EJs best friend) (medical intern at Port Cap Memorial) Officer Edward James (good cop) Officer Rick Bynum (bad cop) Erin Sanders – Clerk of court Mr. Shawn Peter’s medical examiner Ms. Ham- Librarian Judge Peter Morganton Michael Erikson (EJs bunkmate in the Army) Sargent Anthony (EJs supervisor) Character Overview: EJ is stationed in Fayetteville, NC at Fort Brag as a Private in the Army Hanna is at home attending the local community college to become a registered nurse Rachel is a freelance writer Stephen is the top corporate attorney for the town
Setting: Port Cape, Oregon Small town of 3,050 people (Everyone there basically knows one another)
Welcome to Port Cape, Oregon. This is a small town of 3,050 people where everybody knows everybody. There is less than 6 degrees of separation from everyone here. My parents, a mixed race couple, raised us to be confident, polite, optimistic and hard working. They also taught us to never judge. My parents are very successful and our home is very happy. We love our town and the people in it. The saddest day of my life was having to leave for the military. The sadness in my mom’s eyes will forever be engraved in my mind. But what followed will forever change my world.