MEDLINEPLUS AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT RESOURCES Lydia N. Collins Consumer Health Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region
Why have the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? In March 23, 2010 ACA health reform was signed into law 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions lack health insurance 50 million Americans without health insurance Insurance premiums continued to rise Preventive Care and Critical Treatments, not covered by current health insurance policies. URL URL for the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight
Overall Health Insurance Coverage URLURL for Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2013
ACA is Making a Difference No more pre-existing condition denials for children No more lifetime dollar limits on coverage Insurance companies can’t drop your coverage when you get sick No more coverage denials without appeal Consumers will have access to information on how to understand their coverage URLURL for ACA: The New Health Care Law at Two Years
President Obama & ACA "We can now say this for certain: the Affordable Care Act still stands, it is working, and it is here to stay." President Obama URLURL for President Obama Weekly Address on ACA URLURL for Health Insurance Marketplace – URL for 2015 CoverageURL
Types of Marketplaces URLURL to State Health Insurance Marketplace Types, 2015 (
State by State: Health Reform Information URLURL for State by State (
ACA Outreach and Enrollment Assistance URLURL for Outreach and Enrollment Assistance
CMS Health Insurance Marketplace URLURL for Official Marketplace information
MedlinePlus: Your Medical Google Free, Reliable & Trusted Health Information for Your Community! URLURL for MedlinePlus
MedlinePlus URLURL for MedlinePlus NEW! Responsive Design Health Topics (almost 1,000) Drugs and Supplements Videos & Tools Health Videos Health News MedlinePlus Magazine and more
MedlinePlus: Health Insurance URLURL for Health Insurance Health Topic Page
MedlinePlus: Choosing a Doctor URLURL for Choosing a Doctor or Health Care Service
MedlinePlus: Health System URLURL for Health System
MedlinePlus Drugs & Supplements URLURL for Drugs and Supplements
MedlinePlus: Videos & Cool Tools URLURL for Videos and Tools
MedlinePlus Homepage 3 URLURL for MedlinePlus organizations - URL for MedlinePlus DirectoriesURL
Libraries and ACA URLURL for Libraries Lead the Way in Preparing for the Affordable Care Act First Steps Identify the type of exchange in your state and who your potential community partners are Assess how your staff can meet this patron information need Define a role that best fits your library and resources Remember you have resources from, your state exchange, and your Regional Medical Library (NN/LM)
Your Library: What Can You Do? Partner with local organizations Post listing of agencies assisting with ACA Host educational workshops Prepare frontline staff Contact your local ACA agencies Reassurance: Remain neutral on the political elements of any issue. Point customers to the relevant reliable information. Help customers to use necessary technology Make appropriate referrals for in‐person assistance Connect to local health or helping agencies for programming or partnerships
Types of Outreach
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps URLURL for County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
Health Happens in Libraries URLURL for HHIL: Launching Community Conversations with Local Health Data
Enrollment Toolkit URLURL for From Coverage to Care Web Site URLURL to Order From Coverage to Care Materials Step 1: Put Your Health First Step 2: Understand Your Health Coverage Step 3: Know Where to Go for Care Step 4: Pick a Provider Step 5: Make An Appointment Step 6: Be Prepared For Your Visit Step 7: Decide If the Provider is Right For You Step 8: Nest Steps After Your Appointment
Insurance Card URLURL for Your Insurance Card or Other Document (CMS)
Provider vs Emergency URLURL for Differences Between Your Provider’s Office and the Emergency Department
Explanation of Benefits URLURL for Sample Explanation of Benefits
From Coverage to Care Programming Step 1: Put Your Health First Step 2: Understand Your Health Coverage Step 3: Know Where to Go for Care Step 4: Pick a Provider Step 5: Make An Appointment Step 6: Be Prepared For Your Visit Step 7: Decide If the Provider is Right For You Step 8: Nest Steps After Your Appointment
MedlinePlus Magazine URLURL for MedlinePlus Magazine Current/Past Issues (English) URLURL for MedlinePlus Magazine Bulk Subscriptions (English) URLURL for MedlinePlus Salud Current/Past Issues (Spanish) URLURL for MedlinePlus Salud Bulk Subscriptions (Spanish)
Information Rx URL for Information RX Order Form URL Information Rx is a free and easy way to refer people to trustworthy consumer health Web sites produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). NLM encourages the use of the Information Rx campaign by library staff and health professionals.
URLURL for Ordering Educational & Printed Materials If you are a NN/LM network member in the Middle Atlantic Region (DE, NJ, NY, or PA), you may order educational and printed materials online. NLM Educational & Printed Materials
NN/LM MAR ACA Guide for Public Libraries URLURL for NN/LM MAR ACA Resource Guide
NN/LM MAR Outreach to Public Libraries NN/LM MAR promotes the use and access to reliable health information by Public Library staff in DE, NJ, NY & PA URLURL to learn more about NN/LM MAR Outreach to Public Libraries! URLURL to locate information on current class offerings, class descriptions and how to request training for library staff in NY, NJ, PA & DE. URLURL for those outside of DE, NJ, NY & PA to locate your NN/LM- Regional Medical Library
NN/LM MAR Membership- Join Today!! URLURL for NN/LM MAR Membership – URL to locate your Regional Medical Library URL
Thank You! This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System. Lydia N. Collins Consumer Health Coordinator URLURL for NN/LM MAR URLURL for NN/LM