EARLY WARNING GRADES Fred Wellstood Physics Department
Citation in Theoretical Physics
Proposal for Theoretical Physics Citation Description The Physics Department’s Theoretical Physics Citation provides a rigorous foundation in theoretical physics for students who choose not to complete the entire physics major. The citation begins with a set of three introductory courses (9 credits) in mechanics and relativity (PHYS 171), electromagnetic fields (PHYS 272), and waves (PHYS 273). The citation also includes a one-credit introductory laboratory (PHYS 174) to introduce students to techniques of data gathering and analysis. To allow students to gain a deeper understanding of physics, the introductory courses are followed by two upper-level theory courses (7-8 credits), which students can select from quantum physics (PHYS 401, 402), statistical thermodynamics (PHYS 404), classical mechanics (PHYS 410), electricity and magnetism (PHYS 411), modern optics (PHYS 465), computational physics (PHYS 499C), or other courses with approval from the undergraduate director.
Required Courses All of the following: (10 Credits) PHYS171: Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity (3) PHYS174: Physics Laboratory Introduction (1) PHYS272: Introductory Physics: Fields (3) PHYS273: Introductory Physics: Waves (3) Two of the following: (6-8 Credits) PHYS374: Intermediate Theoretical Methods (4) PHYS401: Quantum Physics I (4) PHYS402: Quantum Physics II (4) PHYS404: Introductory Statistical Thermodynamics (3) PHYS410: Classical Mechanics (4) PHYS411: Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism (4) PHYS465: Modern Optics (3) PHYS499C: Computational Physics (3) Students may use other 300 and 400 level courses with approval from the citation’s faculty advisor.
Faculty Advisor Professor Theodore Jacobson Excluded Major Astronomy majors will not be eligible for this citation since the citation requirements will overlap significantly with Astronomy major requirements. Astronomy majors desiring to complete more physics courses than required by their department are encouraged to consider a double major in astronomy and physics.
Review of Results on the Lab Diagnostic Test for the Entering Grad Class of Fall 2001
Fall 2001 lab diagnostic test results error analysis electrical measurements Average maximum student 4 student 30 UMD student
Conclusions 2. UMD student did quite well --- had taken entire sequence including Overall, weaker on error analysis than electrical side …. 4. Only one person understood grounding, 5. only one person got full credit for understanding Overall, very weak experimentally The level of the exam was Physics 174 (Q1, Q2, Q4, Q5) (25%ok,3%ok,75%ok,27%ok) Physics 275 (Q1, Q2, Q3) (25%ok,3%ok,16%ok) Physics 276 (Q5,Q6) (50% ok, 3% ok) …they don't know elementary experimental concepts
Fall 2001 lab diagnostic survey results academic
Review of Teaching Interviews for the Spring 2002 Searches
Professional Physics Track PHYS 171 (3 credits), Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity PHYS 174 (1 credits), Physics Lab Introduction PHYS 272 (3 credits), Fields PHYS 275 (2 credits), Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat, and Fields PHYS 273 (3 credits), Waves PHYS 276 (2 credits), Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism MATH 140 (4): Calculus I MATH 141 (4): Calculus II MATH 240 (4) Introduction to Linear Algebra or MATH 461 (3) Linear Algebra MATH 241 (4): Calculus III MATH 246 (3) Differential Equations or MATH 414 (3) Differential Equations PHYS 401 (4): Quantum Physics I PHYS 402 (4): Quantum Physics II PHYS 410 (4): Classical Mechanics PHYS 411 (4): Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism PHYS 374 (4): Intermediate Theoretical Methods PHYS 375 (3): Experimental Physics III: Electromagnetic Waves, Optics PHYS 404 (3): Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics PHYS 405 (3): Advanced Experiments lab
Computation Physics Area of Concentration PHYS 171 (3 credits), Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity PHYS 174 (1 credits), Physics Lab Introduction PHYS 272 (3 credits), Fields PHYS 275 (2 credits), Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat, and Fields PHYS 273 (3 credits), Waves PHYS 276 (2 credits), Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism MATH 140 (4): Calculus I MATH 141 (4): Calculus II MATH 240 (4) Introduction to Linear Algebra or MATH 461 (3) Linear Algebra MATH 241 (4): Calculus III MATH 246 (3) Differential Equations or MATH 414 (3) Differential Equations MATH 462 (3) Partial Differential Equations PHYS 374 (4): Intermediate Theoretical Methods PHYS 401 (4): Quantum Physics I PHYS 410 (4): Classical Mechanics PHYS 411 (4): Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism PHYS 165 (3): Introduction to Programming for the Physical Sciences PHYS 426 (3): Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers PHYS 499C (3): Computational Physics -- need CMSC courses?
Undergraduate Admissions Fall admitted Fall admitted Fall admitted Significant increase over last year (maybe because we mailed about 1000 packets out to AP physics students) Slightly more than in 2000, even though Maryland admitted significantly fewer people this year (expect yield near 50%, could be higher because of rising reputation)
Final Issue: We have reduced the number of TA’s Allowed us to increase stipend Resulted in more load on the Ta’s Resulted in many “split” TA assigments We need to reassess the TA workload in different courses