What to Expect from ADMIN! Lonique Coots DVHS – Science Department Chair AP Physics/Physics
Whiteboard Ranking Task On your whiteboard, please rank the following in order of “How prepared are you for…” 1. State Testing 2. Contacting Parents 3. Grading Policies 4. Dealing with Administration 5. PDAS
TESTING Increasing the rigor in classrooms Knowing the rules Reading the Manuals ASK QUESTIONS! Show up early and prepared! Check your materials!
Teacher Videos Darnel Horton – Assistant Principal Vince Colunga – Bio PLC Lead Andrew Guyton – Geometry Teacher Daniel Wilkes – Bio Teacher Sapna Patel – Physics PLC Lead Penny Rodriquez – AP Stats and PreCal Manjula Nookala – Assistant Principal
Whiteboard Conversation On your whiteboard, please write the one thing that makes you nervous about testing. Answer in complete sentences. Wait for teacher instructions to pass the whiteboard.
Professional Development and Appraisal System State's approved instrument for appraising its teachers and identifying areas that would benefit from staff development. Cornerstones of the process include a minimum of one 45-minute observation and completion of the Teacher Self-Report form. PDAS DOMAINS: 1. Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process 2. Learner-centered Instruction 3. Evaluation and feedback on Student Progress 4. Management of Student Discipline, Instructional Strategies, Time/Materials 5. Professional Communication 6. Professional Development 7. Compliance with Policies, Operating Procedures and Requirements 8. Improvement of All Students' Academic Performance
Teacher Videos Darnel Horton – Assistant Principal Vince Colunga – Bio PLC Lead Andrew Guyton – Geometry Teacher Daniel Wilkes – Bio Teacher Sapna Patel – Physics PLC Lead Penny Rodriquez – AP Stats and PreCal Manjula Nookala – Assistant Principal
Parent Contact (Domain V on PDAS) The teacher uses appropriate and accurate written communication with parents, staff, community members, and other professionals. The teacher uses appropriate and accurate verbal and non-verbal communication with parents, staff, community members, and other professionals. The teacher’s interactions are supportive, courteous, and respectful with students, parents, staff, community members, and other professionals.
Building Relationships Contact your parents at the beginning of the year! Contact Parents after every progress report. Remember to LOG everything! Contact parents via Newsletter or If you contact a parent and they do not speak English, talk to someone on Admin! The GOOD, the BAD, the CONFUSED! Make sure you are ready for the phone call and have the appropriate information.
Pair Share Turn to your partner and discuss a time when you had a teacher call your parents. Write down notes on your whiteboard.
Teacher Videos Darnel Horton – Assistant Principal Vince Colunga – Bio PLC Lead Andrew Guyton – Geometry Teacher Daniel Wilkes – Bio Teacher Sapna Patel – Physics PLC Lead Penny Rodriquez – AP Stats and PreCal Manjula Nookala – Assistant Principal
Whiteboard Conversation How much control in the classroom do you think teachers have over grades and grading policies? Answer in complete sentences.
Del Valle Grading Policies 2 Grades per Week HW 5%, Daily Work 35%, Assessments 60% One assessment cannot count for more than 20% of the grade. Grades must be updated weekly. Teachers in the same subject have to give the same assessments.
Teacher Videos Darnel Horton – Assistant Principal Vince Colunga – Bio PLC Lead Andrew Guyton – Geometry Teacher Daniel Wilkes – Bio Teacher Sapna Patel – Physics PLC Lead Penny Rodriquez – AP Stats and PreCal Manjula Nookala – Assistant Principal
Whiteboard Ranking Task On your whiteboard, please rank the following in order of “How prepared are you for…” 1. State Testing 2. Contacting Parents 3. Grading Policies 4. Dealing with Administration 5. PDAS