WHO SAID THAT??? or Bibliography
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Rodent Press, Inc Print
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Rodent Press, Inc., Print. Author BOOK
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Rodent Press, Inc., Print. Title Titles are not underlined when typed. They are typed in italics.
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Rodent Press, Inc., Print. City of Publication
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Rodent Press, Inc., Print. Publisher
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Roden Press, Print. Copyright Date
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse. Orlando: Roden Press, Print. Medium
Disney, Walt. My Life with a Mouse: 50 Years of Fun and Laughter. Orlando: Rodent Press, Inc Print. Book with a SUBTITLE Place a colon after the main title and then write the subtitle. Use correct capitalization. Italicize entire title.
Moose, Bullwinkle and Rocket J. Squirrel. "Nothing Up My Sleeve." Warner Brothers University of Laughter. 03 April Web. 25 May TWO AUTHORS First author is reversed; second author is in correct order URL is included at teacher request.
ENCYCLOPEDIA or Set Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print.
“Earth.” Ed. Harold Brown. World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc Print. NO author but an EDITOR Skip author name. Editor goes after the title of the article. Put Ed. in front of editor’s name; period after name
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Author of article (may or may not have one)
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Title of article
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Title of book Titles are not underlined when typed. They are typed in italics.
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Edition (if it is listed)
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Volume
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., City of Publication
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Publisher
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Copyright Date
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Page numbers
Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc., Print. Medium
PERIODICAL Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print.
Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print. Title of Article
Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print. Title of Periodical Titles are not underlined when typed. They are typed in italics.
Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print. Date of Issue
Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print. Page Numbers
Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print. Medium
Motlagh, Jason. “The Poppy Poison.” Time. 9 May 2011: Print. WORKS CITED Ferris, Jeri and James Green. What I Had Was Singing: The Story of Marian Anderson. Minneapolis: Carolorhoda Books, Inc Print. Green, James. “Earth.” World Book Encyclopedia. 9 th ed. Vol. 1. NewYork: Gale Research, Inc Print. Moose, Bullwinkle and Rocket J. Squirrel. "Nothing Up My Sleeve." Warner Brothers University of Laughter. April Web. 25 May 2010.
"Granddad's Military Experiences." Telephone interview. 20 Oct Interview
“Title of Interview." How conducted. Date of Interview. Interview
“Title of Interview.” How conducted. Date of Interview. Interview You may not have a title. If you don’t, leave this piece out. *Note the Grammar code!
“Title of Interview.” How conducted. Date of Interview. Interview How was the interview conducted? By phone - Telephone interview By - interview By Website - Online interview In person - Personal interview
“Title of Interview.” How conducted. Date of Interview. Interview The day you actually conducted the interview. *Note the format for the date! Day / month abbreviated / year
Multi-MediaMulti-Media bibliography examples