“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” “Faith is the strength by which a Shattered world shall emerge into the light” “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” “Knowledge is love and light and vision” “Life is either a great adventure or nothing” “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye”
Facts on Helen Keller's CHILDHOOD: Born 27 June 1880, in a small town in Tuscumbia Alabama. Parents Arthur Henley Keller & Kate Adams Keller. Deaf and blind due to sickness.* Asked Perkins Institute for the blind for a tutor.* Found tutor, Anne Sullivan who came and helped Helen. Anne needed to find a way to teach Helen* One day she put Helen’s hand under some water while signing the word into her hand. That day she learnt 30 words. Helen was a very curious young girl, she loved to spend her time outdoors.*
Facts on Helens EDUCATION: Helen went to Wright-Humason school for the deaf, she was the only student who was both blind and deaf. Anne needed to spell the words into Helens hand. She was then moved to the Cambridge School for Young Ladies which would prepare her for her college entrance exams. At about 20 Helen was accepted into Radcliffe College, the women's branch of Harvard University. Helen also studied Latin, French and German. She was also great friends with Alexander Graham Bell. Just one year before graduating she published her fist book ‘The Story Of My Life’. She graduated from Radcliffe with honors. She wrote her earliest book at the age of 11 it was called ‘’The Frost King’, but she was accused of plagiarism. Helen’s first attempt at writing, aged 7
Certificate Of Admission into Radcliffe College.
Facts on Helen Keller as a YOUNG WOMAN: Helen wrote and gave speeches. * She was very gifted in writing books. Altogether she wrote 14 books. She wrote essays, articles and speeches on how much she loved animals and nature. She wrote a book about a man called Swedenborg ( ) a Swedish philosopher and scientist, who believed that if you help others, you can grow and help yourself. Helen and her friends were very interested in politics. She also joined the suffragist movement (1909)- which was then granted in During 1914 Polly Thompson started working for Helen and Anne. They were known as the ‘The Three Musketeers’. They then went to Hollywood to star in a silent movie based on her life. Helen and Anne stared as themselves, they also met stars like Charlie Chaplin. Helens acting career continued and she gave speeches, lectures and performed in shows. Their acting career then stopped in 1922 when the shows became too tiring.
Helen and Anne with Charlie Chaplin.
Facts on Helen Keller as a CHAMPION OF THE BLIND: During 1924, Helen joined the American Foundation for the Blind (ABF) For 44 years she was the ambassador for ABF Helen and two other leaders of the ABF -M. C. Migel and Robert B. Irwin- encouraged the U.S government to hold an international conference for the workers of the blind. 32 different countries sent their council over to the White House. Helen came to all of their meetings.* Helen was a wonderful typist, she could type almost all of her letters in both Braille and regular.* In 1936, Helen’s much-loved teacher Anne died, so Polly took over her job. It was like a new beginning for Helen. Throughout WWII, Helen and Polly visited blind and injured veterans.*
Helen and Polly. Polly is teaching Helen.
Facts on Helen Keller as a WORLD LEADER: Helen and Polly visited over 39 nations, during her tours Helen was greeted by many famous people including British leader (at the time) Winston Churchill Her tours were sponsored by American Foundation for the Overseas Blind.* After WWII Helen and Polly visited Asia and Europe to show TLC to veterans. * Helen was given HEAPS! of gifts including a wooden box that was packed with candy from the Queen Of Jordan and beautiful shield from Zulus in South Africa. As a matter of fact her whole house was filled with souvenirs and gifts which can be viewed at the AFB headquarters in New York City. In 1955 she won an Academy Award for her documentary: Helen Keller - Her Story (originally called ‘The Unconquered’) Helen loved life, she was political and social * Even though Helen was deaf and blind, she had wonderful senses, especially the sense of touch.*
Accepting her ACADEMY AWARD.
Helen then died in her sleep on June 1 st She lived to be 87. Her ashes lay next to Anne’s in the National Cathedral in Washington DC.
Helen Keller was one hugely important person. She shows how much determination and courage can help you through life. If you learn to follow your dreams and never give up, maybe you could be as inspirational and successful as Helen.
I believe that Helen Keller raised awareness for blind people, because back then, blind people weren't treated with that much respect. She proved that anyone with a disability can accomplish ANYTHING!!!
Here are some handy hints that you might need for my quiz: Who are her parents? Who are her mentors? How did she become ill? When was she born? How many books did she write? But that’s not all there could be a few questions that I mentioned in the powerpoint, but not on this slide. GOOD LUCK!!!