Computacion Inteligente Least-Square Methods for System Identification.


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Presentation transcript:

Computacion Inteligente Least-Square Methods for System Identification

2 Contents  System Identification: an Introduction  Least-Squares Estimators  Statistical Properties of least-squares estimators  Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  Maximum likelihood estimator for linear model  LSE for Nonlinear Models  Developing Dinamic models from Data  Example: Tank level modeling

3 System Identification: Introduction  Goal –Determine a mathematical model for an unknown system (or target system) by observing its input-output data pairs

4 System Identification: Introduction  Purposes –To predict a system’s behavior, –As in time series prediction & weather forecasting –To explain the interactions & relationships between inputs & outputs of a system

5 System Identification: Introduction  Context example –To design a controller based on the model of a system, –as an aircraft or ship control –Simulate the system under control once the model is known

6 Why cover System Identification  System Identification  It is a well established and easy to use technique for modeling a real life system.  It will be needed for the section on fuzzy-neural networks.

7 Spring Example ExperimentForce(newtons)Length(inches) What will the length be when the force is 5.0 newtons? Experimental data

8 Components of System Identification  There are 2 main steps that are involved –Structure identification –Parameter identification

9 Structure identification  Structure identification  Apply a-priori knowledge about the target system to determine a class of models within which the search for the most suitable model is to be conducted This class of model is denoted by a function y = f(u,  ) where: y is the model output u is the input vector  is the parameter vector

10 Structure identification  Structure identification  f(u,  ) depends on –the problem at hand –the designer’s experience –the laws of nature governing the target system

11 Parameter identification –Training data is used for both system and model. –Difference between Target System output, y i, and Mathematical Model output, y i, is used to update parameter vector, θ. ^

12 Parameter identification  Parameter identification –The structure of the model is known, however we need to apply optimization techniques –In order to determine the parameter vector such that the resulting model describes the system appropriately:

13 System Identification Process  The data set composed of m desired input-output pairs –(u i, y i ) (i = 1,…,m) is called the training data  System identification needs to do both structure & parameter identification repeatedly until satisfactory model is found

14 System Identification: Steps –Specify & parameterize a class of mathematical models representing the system to be identified –Perform parameter identification to choose the parameters that best fit the training data set –Conduct validation set to see if the model identified responds correctly to an unseen data set –Terminate the procedure once the results of the validation test are satisfactory. Otherwise, another class of model is selected & repeat step 2 to 4

15 System Identification Process Structure and parameter identification may need to be done repeatedly

16  Least-Squares Estimators

17 Objective of Linear Least Squares fitting  Given a training data set {(u i, y i ), i = 1, …, m} and the general form function:  Find the parameters  1, …,  n, such that estimate

18 The linear model  The linear model : y =  1 f 1 (u) +  2 f 2 (u) + … +  n f n (u) = f T (u,  )  where: –u = (u 1, …, u p ) T is the model input vector –f 1, …, f n are known functions of u –  1, …,  n are unknown parameters to be estimated

19 Least-Squares Estimators  The task of fitting data using a linear model is referred to as linear regression where: –u = (u 1, …, u p ) T is the input vector –f 1 (u), …, f n (u)regressors –  1, …,  n parameter vector

20 Least-Squares Estimators  We collect training data set {(u i, y i ), i = 1, …, m} System’s equations becomes: Which is equivalent to: A  = y

21 Least-Squares Estimators  Which is equivalent to: A  = y –where A  = y   = A -1 y (solution) m*n matrixn*1 vectorm*1 vector unknown

22 Least-Squares Estimators  We have – m outputs, and – n fitting parameters to find  Or – m equations, and – n unknown variables Usually m is greater than n

23 Least-Squares Estimators  Since  the model is just an approximation of the target system &  the data observed might be corrupted,  Therefore –an exact solution is not always possible!  To overcome this inherent conceptual problem, an error vector e is added to compensate A  + e = y

24 Least-Squares Estimators  Our goal consists now of finding that reduces the errors between and  The problem: Find, estimate

25 Least-Squares Estimators  If e = y - A  then: We need to compute:

26 Least-Squares Estimators  Theorem [least-squares estimator] The squared error is minimized when  satisfies the normal equation if is nonsingular, is unique & is given by is called the least-squares estimators, LSE

27 Spring Example –Structure Identification can be done using domain knowledge. –The change in length of a spring is proportional to the force applied. Hooke’s law length = k 0 + k 1 *force

28 Spring Example

29  Statistical Properties of least-squares estimators

30 Statistical qualities of LSE  Definition [unbiased estimator] An estimator of the parameter  is unbiased if where E[.] is the statistical expectation

31 Statistical qualities of LSE  Definition [minimal variance] –An estimator is a minimum variance estimator if for any other estimator  *: where Cov(  ) is the covariance matrix of the random vector 

32 Statistical qualities of LSE  Theorem [Gauss-Markov]: –Gauss-Markov conditions: The error vector e is a vector of m uncorrelated random variables, each with zero mean & the same variance  2. This means that:

33 Statistical qualities of LSE  Theorem [Gauss-Markov] LSE is unbiased & has minimum variance. Proof:

34  Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator

35 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  The problem –Suppose we observe m independent samples x 1, x 2, …, x m, –coming from a probability density function with parameters  1, …,  r

36 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  The criterion for choosing  is: –Choose parameters  that maximize data probability Which one do you prefer? Why?

37 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  Likelihood function definition: –For a sample of n observations x 1, x 2, …, x m –with independent probability density function f, –the likelihood function L is defined by L is the joint probability density

38 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  ML estimator is defined as the value of  which maximizes L: or equivalently:

39 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  Example: ML estimation for normal distribution –Suppose we have m indipendent samples x 1, x 2, …, x m, coming from a Gaussian distribution with parameters μ and σ 2. Which is the MLE for μ and σ 2 ?

40 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  Example: ML estimation for normal distribution –For m observations x 1, x 2, …, x m, we have:

41 Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator  Example: ML estimation for normal distribution –For m observations x 1, x 2, …, x m, we have:

42  Maximum likelihood estimator for linear model

43 Maximum likelihood estimator for linear model –Let a linear model be given as –Then –here e has PDF p e (u,θ) (independent). The likelihood function is given by

44 Maximum likelihood estimator for linear model –Asume a regression model where errors are distributed normally with zero mean. –The likelihood function is given by

45 Maximum likelihood estimator for linear model  The maximum likelihood model –Any algorithm that maximizes  –gives de Maximum likelihood model with respect to a given family of possible models

46 Maximum likelihood estimator for linear model –Same as maximizing –Same as minimizing

47 Connection to Least Squares  Conclusion –The least-squares fitting criterion can be understood as emerging from the use of the maximum likelihood principle for estimating a regression model where errors are distributed normally. –The applicability of the least-squares method is, however, not limited to the normality assumption.

48  LSE for Nonlinear Models

49 LSE for Nonlinear Models  Nonlinear models are divided into 2 families –Intrinsically linear –Intrinsically nonlinear Through appropriate transformations of the input- output variables & fitting parameters, an intrinsically linear model can become a linear model By this transformation into linear models, LSE can be used to optimize the unknown parameters

50 LSE for Nonlinear Models  Examples of intrinsically linear systems

51  Developing Dinamic models from Data

52 Dynamical System? Input u(t) Output y(t) System

53 The ARX model  In dynamic systems analysis, the independent variable is often time (k) –A ARX model (AutoRegressive with eXogenous input model) is often used where

54 The ARX model  Or equivalently –writing

55 The ARX model as a linear regressor  Input-output relationship can take the form –where Regression vector Parameter vector to estimate

56 Prediction error model estimation  The problem –Assume input-output data –Build the predictor –Such that minimizes Prediction Error

57 Prediction error model estimation –The model is fitted to the data by minimizing the criterion function Which gives the least squares criterion

58 Prediction error model estimation  Solution –Normal equation –Estimates

59 Prediction error model estimation  In matrix form, the solution is the standard linear least squares formula

60  Example: Tank level modeling

61 Example: Tank level modeling

62 Example Tank level modeling  The identification goal –To explain how the voltage u(t) (the input) afects the water level h(t) (the output) of the tank Experimetal data

63 Simple ARX modeling  A plausible first identification attempt is to try a simple linear regression model –The parameters can easily be estimated using linear least squares, resulting in

64 ARX model results –Simulated water level follows the true level but at levels close to zero the linear model produces negative levels.

65 Semiphysical modeling  Model equation is based on dynamic conservation of mass –Accumulation of mass in the tank is equal to: the mass flow rate into the tank the mass flow rate out. minus

66 Semiphysical modeling  While the inflow is roughly proportional to u(t) the outflow can be approximated using Bernoulli’s law –The parameters can easily be estimated using linear least squares, resulting in

67 Semiphysical model results  The RMS error of this model is lower and more importantly no simulated output is negative which indicates that the model is physically sound

68 Sources  J-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsai Sun and Eiji Mizutani, Slides for Ch. 5 of “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence”, First Edition, Prentice Hall,  Djamel Bouchaffra. Soft Computing. Course materials. Oakland University. Fall 2005  Henrik Melgaard, Identication of Physical Models. Institute of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark. Ph.D. THESIS  Lucidi delle lezioni, Soft Computing. Materiale Didattico. Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione. Politecnico di Milano  Peter Lindskog, Fuzzy Identification from a Grey Box Modeling Point of View. Department of Electrical Engineering, Linkoping University  Jacob Roll, Local and Piecewise Afinne Approaches to System Identification. Department of Electrical Engineering, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden. 2003