My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3: Friday 1 Thank God for the successful week long workshop that May’khethele hosted in Ladysmith at Ncijane High School. Saturday 2 Thank God for a recent opportunity to present the work of Tennyson House at the SHELL Women’s Network. Sunday 3 Thank God for a successful partnership between Albany Bakery and Youth for Christ where we were able to assist runners at the comrades. Monday 4 Thank God for 2 new team members who have joined Change Agents team, Marvin Hlophe and Tholani Ngidi. Tuesday 5 Pray for a PEPFAR funding concept paper that is submitted today and that this will find favour with the evaluators. Wednesday 6 Pray for the directors who will meet today. Thursday 7 Pray for the continued partnership between us, our partners and government departments for the benefit of young people and their families. Friday 8 Pray for the YFC Leadership as they prepare for the strategic planning process. Saturday 9 The Change Agents thank God for a successful month of May as they completed all their activities for the month. Sunday 10 Pray for 3 children that were removed from the streets of Durban last month. They are settled in different places of safety. One of the children has returned home. Monday 11 Pray for schools and learners as they write exams. Tuesday 12 Thank God for Kline Smith and International Golden Key Society who are working with the boys at Khayalethu to publish a book “Stories for a Change” which will contain their life stories. Wednesday 13 We thank God for all the work going into this project to enrich and develop our children. Thursday 14 Pray for staff as they prepare the children staying in the shelters to return to family for at least part of the July school holidays. Friday 15 Thank God for Carolin and Marije, who continue to volunteer at the shelters. yfc/kzn prayer calendar …june2012
“I’m Happy You’re My Dad” I feel safe when you are with me; You show me fun things to do; You make my life much better; The best father I know is you. I’m happy you’re my Dad And so I want to say I love you, Dad, and wish you A Happy Father’s Day! Saturday 16 Pray for the success of all May’khethele future peer leader campaigns. Sunday 17 “Let us renew our commitment to become the best fathers that we can be to our own children and not make the mistakes that may have been made by our own fathers”. Monday 18 Pray for the Change Agents who encounter HIV positive learners at schools, that they will be encouraged to live healthy and positive lives. Tuesday 19 Pray for God's favour on the funding proposals we are working on and those pending. Wednesday 20 Pray for the Change Agents as they continue with HIV/AIDS workshops in schools that it will be a success and they will be able to continue touching lives of young people. Thursday 21 Thank God for the fabric books donated by Capital Curtain for the community sewing project. Friday 22 Pray for children who go on holiday today, for them to rest well and experience good family times as well. Saturday 23 Pray for young people in the shelter who will visit their families this holiday, for positive relationship building. Sunday 24 Thank God for Thulani Nzimande, one of our project Directors. His years of experience are a real asset to our work with young people. Monday 25 We give God thanks for each networking opportunity to share about the development work of YFC. Tuesday 26 Thank God for Tineyi Chigunduru our May’khethele project manager. His wise leadership is vital to this project. Wednesday 27 Stacie Adams arrives today to spend time at the YDC working at Khayalethu. Pray for her as she settles back with us. Thursday 28 Pray for our work in the Drop in Centres. Children are not at school so there is a large demand for fun programmes and assistance in the community in the cold weather. Friday 29 Thank God for Aileen Kardel as she returns home today after 10 months in South Africa. Pray that she will settle back home well and be able to incorporate the things she has learned into her life in Germany. Saturday 30 Thank God for Liz Govender, our Admin Director, she is a wise part of our leadership. Pray for renewing for her. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse. Malachi 4:6 yfc/kzn prayer calendar …june2012