ASL 3- work on projects all period, then show me what you accomplished
ASL 1 Doorbuster- please copy reminders of #1-#3 below 1. Plates test (SN Unit 8) -2 choices: A) take an online test in class next week; B) Come outside of class time to sign plates to me 1 on 1 – by appointment, due next Friday 2. Directions test--- due Monday 3. Composition book test--- are your Doorbusters caught up from any absences? (finals review soon, and written culture/grammar test end of April, so be sure you have your notes to study!) 4. Story translation test (if time) Vocabulary lists: you need Signing Naturally (SN) Units 6-10
ASL 1 Today- 1. Doorbuster 2. Signs- copy with Dr. Weast 3. Directions test- prepare, practice 4. Ticket Out- flashcards
ASL 1 Rubric Reminder- Map Exam-Giving Directions Sign out your drawing, practice, and find a partner to follow as you sign it Giving Directions Map- Test Project Rubric—Individual assignment You will each draw a map with 5 different locations/places, occupations, and activities/actions- and then sign it to the class You can help each other create them, but be sure yours is different from the others. You do not need to write a gloss- but you do need to draw the path you will sign for each of the 5 (you will be graded on whether you sign this same path/directions) You will then sign to the class 5 different directions on the map: -have a “Start” place- choose a corner of the map -Include/label 5 different locations/places to go to from “start” -Include/label 5 different people/occupations at these places -Include/label 5 different actions/activities you will do at these places -Include at least 5 direction signs (eg. Turn left, right, around the corner, u-turn, straight, up the stairs, down the stairs, …) -Include one transportation sign or classifier (are you walking? Driving?...)
ASL 2 Doorbuster- please copy #1-#4 reminders of 5th six week tests and due dates below--- Remember your new seats, & quiet at the bell 1. Recipe test - 2 choices: A)Take online Unit 16 foods test in class today B)Sign your recipe to me 1 on 1- by appointment, due next Friday April 12 (D Hawk time, before/after school). 2. My Life boxes test: glosses (and finished boxes) due by end of class Monday; presentations begin next Wednesday 3. Story Translation test (if time): watching me sign, and you answer what you see signed. 4. Composition book test- are your Doorbusters caught up from any absences? (finals review soon, and written culture/grammar test end of April, so be sure you have your notes to study!) Reminder- new lists for 5th six weeks: Unit 15 Life Events, & Disaster signs; Unit 16 foods; Debate signs In a moment- we will sign food signs together, then you can test with iPads.
Today--- Doorbuster Signing Set- signs with Dr. Weast Quizstar:Check your username & password; get materials for test preparation- gloss due end of class Monday (you will have about 20 min. Monday to fix/finish them). Take Exam on Quizstar, or work quietly on gloss/study hall