院校名称 : 西南交通大学峨眉校区 演示者姓名 : 吴敏睿 《新视野大学英语 读写教程 2 》 Unit7 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Preview Section A Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life Section B Are you Workaholic?
《新视野大学英语 读写教程 2 》 Unit7 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Comprehension of the Text Vocabulary Word Building Cloze Text Structure Analysis Structured Writing
《新视野大学英语 读写教程 2 》 Unit7 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Comprehension of the Text Vocabulary
《新视野大学英语 读写教程 2 》 Unit7 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Teaching Objectives: Ss will be able to 1) Master the key vocabulary, language points and sentence patterns in this unit; 2) Have some common sense of undue stress and talk about how to lighten the load so as to live a balanced life with the knowledge learned in this unit; 3) Grasp the typical text structure :Problem-Analysis-Solution and know the application of the chainlike cause-and-effect writing technique to analyze the problem under discussion; 4) Master reading skill- skimming and put it into pratical use.
外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Students: Non-English Major Being enrolled in S eptember 2012 Average score for English test of National College Entrance Exam is 1 04 or 6 9% 9 5% Science Students Male/Female: 7 /1
《新视野大学英语 读写教程 2 》 Unit7 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Time Allotment: Text A (200ms) : Step 1 (50ms) : Pre-reading activities(20ms); New words and expressions(30ms) Step 2 ( 90ms ): Lead-in(10ms) ; Text general understanding (10ms) ; Detailed Text study (70ms) Step3 ( 60ms ): Exercises after the text Text B (65ms) : Step1(5ms): Reading skill-skimming Step2(10ms) : Text general understanding Step3 (30ms) : Text study Step4 (20ms) : Exercises after the text Unit Summary (5ms) Unit Quiz (30ms)
2 7 SECTION A Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life
2 7 Students are able to: a. make full use of language points in this text; b. talk about stress and learn to develop a balanced lifestyle; c. analyze cause-and-effect paragraph and do imitative writing d. write an essay developed by problem-analysis- solution. B2-Unit 7
2 7 Text General Understanding Text General Understanding Detailed Text Study Detailed Text Study Lead-in Lead-in Assignments Assignments Summary Summary Teaching Steps:
2 7 How Much Stress Are You Experiencing in Your Life Right Now? 1=strongly disagree 2=moderately disagree 3=moderately agree 4=strongly agree A Test A Test
2 7 1.I often feel disorganized. ______ 2. I am often late for appointments.______ 3. I get 4 or more colds a year. ______ 4. I get headaches twice a week.______ 5. I have no idea what to do and how in the near future._______
I lose my temper easily. ______ 7. I suffer from insomnia ( 失眠症 ).______ 8. My life feels out of control. ______ 9. I often drink an alcoholic beverage or smoke to calm me down after study.______ 10. I am too busy to exercise on a regular basis. ______
points 4-8 points : You’ve got your life in fairly good control. Work on the choices and habits that could still be causing you some unnecessary stress in your life. Your Scores
points 9-24 points : You are approaching the danger zone. You may well be suffering stress-related symptoms and your relationships could be strained. Think carefully about choices you’ve made and take relaxation. Warming-up
points points : Emergency! You must stop now, rethink how you are living, change your attitudes, and pay careful attention to diet, exercise, and relaxation. Warming-up Your Scores
2 7 Group Discussion Group Discussion Q1: What are the causes of undue stress? Q2: How to fight against it?
2 7 Q1: What are the causes of undue stress? The causes of undue stress include: 1) Death of your beloved family member; 2) Worsening of your health or financial state; 3) Getting into trouble with law; 4) Fear for new challenges; 5) Uncertainty about future; 6) Doubt about one’s abilities; …
2 7 The most effective steps to fighting undue stress are: 1) Keep your lines of communication open; 2) Make time for self-renewal; 3) Take pleasure in regular exercise; 4) Keep balance between your life and work; 5) Get enough sleep every night; 6) Focus on the positive; … Q2: How to fight the undue stress?
Who is Dr. Robert S. Eliot? a.__________________. b.__________________________. Author of a new book A clinical professor of medicine Questions for Understanding Text Study— General Understanding
What does Eliot say in his book? a.You may be hurting your heart if ___________________________. b. You need to learn to take charge of your life if ___________________________. c.Being tense may cause ____________________ ___________________________for “hot reactors”. d. Stressed people have ______________________. feeling angry and overwhelmed not wanting to break your heart higher cholesterol levels Text Study—Understanding tremendous and rapid increases in their blood pressure
What causes stress? a._____________________________________. FUD factors together with lack of control Anger b. ______. Text Study—Understanding
How to deal with stress? a. _________________. b.________________________________. c. _______________. Write down six things like Ben Franklin Learn how to flow Trying NICE factors Text Study—Understanding
2 7 Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life Para. 1 If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. Para. 2 If you don’t want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can—and recognize there are many things beyond your control. Detailed Text Study 与第 2 段结构平行 与第 1 段结构平行
2 7 Para. 3 So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He’s a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska. Para. 4 Eliot says there are people in this world that he calls “hot reactors”. For these people, being tense may cause tremendous and rapid increases in their blood pressure. Detailed Text Study
2 7 Para.5 Eliot says researchers have found that stressed people have higher cholesterol levels, among other things. “We’ve done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers. When that 1 happens it 1 happens very quickly, within five minutes. It 2 creates many short circuits, and that 2 causes crazy heart rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms instead of a pump. And when that 3 happens, we can’t live.
2 7 1st cause: excess alarm or stress chemicals 1st effect: bursting heart muscle fibers 2nd effect: creating short circuits, causing crazy heart rhythms 3rd effect: beating like a bag of worms, can’t live 2nd cause: bursting heart muscle fibers 3rd cause: crazy heart rhythms Text Study—Structure Analysis Chainlike Cause–and-Effect 因果关系的连锁反应
2 7 Structured Writing
2 7 When you explain in writing the reasons why something happens, you are having a cause and effect writing. Read the following passage and tell the cause and effect. Writing—Structure Writing Cause and Effect Writing
2 7 Do you know why winter is colder than summer? One reason is that there are fewer hours of sunlight in winter. But there is another reason. Winter sunlight is cooler. It is the same sun, and it shines just as bright as in the summertime, and yet the earth gets less heat from it. ( 结果 ) ( 先果后因,多因一果 ) ( 原因 1) ( 原因 2) Samples Writing—Structure Writing
2 7 Writing Exercises in Class a.Examine text structure analysis on Page167. b. Work on Exercise XIII. Writing—Structure Writing
2 7 Summary for the Class A.The causes of undue stress and the effective steps to fighting it. B. The main idea of the text. C. Paragraph developing technique(cause- and-effect)
2 7 Homework a. Preview the rest paragraphs and answer the given questions on page 159 in the text book. b. Work on exercises VIII-XI on page in the text book. c. Write a cause–and–effect paragraph on one of the topics provided on page 168 in the text book.
2 7 The End of Section A