The Wonderful World of Geology Drilling Soil identification Darcy’s Law Permeameter Porosity presented by Jacob Coleman, Kirk Miller, Kelly Barrett, Amanda Margraf Click left mouse button to advance presentation.
Soil ID There are 4 ways to classify different types of soil. –Moisture Content Moisture ranges from slightly moist to saturated –Grain size grain size ranges from silt to gravel –Sorting is either well sorted or poorly sorted –Color depends on the organic and mineral content of the soil
Drilling When drilling you will use the hand auger or a power auger for deeper soil study. Use the prescribed classification system to identify which zone of the soil you are in. –Unsaturated zone-slightly moist, moist, very moist. –Capillary Fringe-dripping wet –Saturated zone-located below water table
Underground water sampling
Darcy’s Law v=K/n( h/ L) An equation for calculating the velocity of groundwater flow. v=K/n( h/ L) K= Hydraulic conductivity n=porosity h=change in head L=change in length v=velocity
Permeameter A device used to calculate the Hydraulic conductivity of your soil sample. –Hydraulic conductivity is a measure of how easy water flows through soil. Return to presentation page