The Technology Horizon implications for assessment Phil Marston Centre for Academic Development University of Aberdeen
Heads-up Whats on the horizon
Overview Learning Analytics Tin Can API Open Badges
Key Concept Gartners Hype Cycle
Learning Analytics Huge amounts of data being generated Storage & processing power available exponentially Patterns of relationships hidden in that data Algorithms being developed Dashboards being developed
Learning Analytics Huge amounts of data being generated Storage & processing power available exponentially Patterns of relationships hidden in that data Algorithms being developed Dashboards being developed
Learning Analytics Huge amounts of data being generated Storage & processing power available exponentially Patterns of relationships hidden in that data Algorithms being developed Dashboards being developed
Learning Analytics Huge amounts of data being generated Storage & processing power available exponentially Patterns of relationships hidden in that data Algorithms being developed Dashboards being developed
Learning Analytics Huge amounts of data being generated Storage & processing power available exponentially Patterns of relationships hidden in that data Algorithms being developed Dashboards being developed
Tin Can API SCORM Experience Subject, verb, object (I did this)
Tin Can API SCORM Experience Subject, verb, object (I did this)
Tin Can API SCORM Experience Subject, verb, object (I did this)
Open Badges Digital certificates with embedded metadata Will be endorsable Providing employers with the information they need
Open Badges Digital certificates with embedded metadata Will be endorsable Providing employers with the information they need
Open Badges Digital certificates with embedded metadata Will be endorsable Providing employers with the information they need
Implications Whats the role of HE?
Any Questions? Phil Marston Centre for Academic Development University of Aberdeen
Resources Learning Analytics NMC Horizon Reports Purdue JISC Tin Can API Open Badges Mozilla JISC
Image Credits Slide 4 Gartner's 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Slide 6 Aberdeen University Maxwell High Performance Computing Facility phphttp:// php Slide 7 Map of science derived from clickstream data Slide 10 SCORM, repositories and competencies - The big picture by Claude Ostyn Slide 11 Making Sense of Tin Can API by Liz Burrow tincan-api/ tincan-api/ Slide 12 Toyota environmentally conscious driving simulator by Eric Chan. Creative Commons license CC BY Slide 13 Badge Anatomy by Class Hack. Creative Commons license CC BY-SA Hack Slide 14 Endorse project logo Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA Slide 15 Digital Resume by Linda Zivnustkova All other images