September 2 nd Grade Newsletter Aug.31 st - Sept.4th ELA I can write a personal narrative that recounts an event in my life. I can read independently for minutes. I can choose a just right book.(On my reading level) Math I can compare two amounts up to 45. I can identify coins and their values. I can use strategies to solve an addition or subtraction story problem. Spelling 1.with11.we 2.them12.there 3.fish13.can 5.trash15.your 6.cloth 7.of 8.from 9.was 10.want Social Studies I can describe the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance. I can explain how disputes threaten the peace in a community. I can demonstrate peaceful resolutions. Important Dates and Reminders -If your child is bringing a lunch from home and wants a milk, it must be purchased. -Chocolate bar sales end September 15 th. If you have a box, your $60 must be turned in at this time. 2 nd grade lunch: 11-11:25 Planning time:12:45-1:35