Each Friday your child will bring home their papers from the previous week in a yellow folder with the newsletter containing any news and the next weeks spelling words and objectives. Keep all A, B, C, D papers at home. If your child has a failing grade please sign and return on Monday in the folder. There is also a progress report that will be in the clear sleeve behind the Friday folder directions. Please sign and return with the folder on Monday. I will be taking a grade on this and 10 points will be deducted each day the folder is late. If it’s not signed it will be taken back home to get signed and points will be deducted. If a student is absent on Monday, points will not be deducted but the folder is expected to be returned and signed the first day they return to school.
Work that students complete will be graded in a variety of ways. Some work will receive a check mark and some work will have the number missed written at the top of the paper. All work that has been recorded in our grade books will have an R with a circle around it at the top of the paper. Taylor Elementary’s Grading Scale A B C D 69 – 0 F
GREEN: Begin here EACH day (1 credit) YELLOW: Warning (1 credit) ORANGE : 1 consequence (0 credits) Record in the Agenda. RED: 2 consequences ( 0 credits) Record in the Agenda. BLUE : 2 consequences ( 0 credits) Record in the Agenda. Note or Phone Call to Parent Possible Office Referral
1. Be positive: attitude is a powerful tool. 2. Be productive: use class time effectively, listen, and follow directions. 3. Be polite: raise your hand, refrain from talking at inappropriate times, stay in your seat, etc. 4. Be prepared: come to class with necessary materials and completed assignments. 5. Be respectful: treat others as you want to be treated.
Verbal / NonVerbal Lunch at the Movies Fun Friday (20-30 minutes) Sticker Piece of candy Homework Pass Helper Treasure box Special Area Pass (rug, chair, Bean bag, etc.) Picnic at picnic table or pavilion with teacher
Writing Assignment Time Away from class (Written observation) Loss of privilege (Helper, Leader, etc.) Silent Lunch Walk during ½ or entire recess Note Home Isolation in class Teacher / Parent Conference or Call ** OFFICE REFERRAL A student who participates in severe behaviors such as fighting and the use of foul language can immediately be eligible for an office referral.
In general I do not assign a lot of homework. There will be times that I do give an assignment but most homework will be class work not finished. For your child to be successful with homework, he/she needs: A place to do homework: If possible, your child should do his/her homework in the same place, which should be uncluttered and quiet. A schedule for completing homework : Set a homework schedule that fits in with each week’s activities. Encouragement, motivation, and prompting : It is not a good idea to sit with your child and do homework with them. Your child needs to practice independently and to apply what they have learned in class. If your child consistently cannot complete homework assignments alone, please contact me! Reasonable time expectations : If your child seems to be spending too much time each night on homework, please contact me! Additionally, homework should not hinder the child’s sleep patterns.
**All homework and class work is to be turned in the next day on time! ** Grading: Each homework assignment will be checked for accuracy. Some assignments will be entered in the grade book and others will be for skill and practice. **All missing work will become a zero in the grade book or points will be deducted each day work is late. **Excessive missing/late assignments will result in deduction of points/credits.
-Spelling test EVERY Friday -Spelling folder’s are due EVERY Friday morning and folders will be returned to you. -3 activities are to be put in the left side of your folder -You may work on your spelling folder if you have finished your assignment and you have extra time, or if we have down time in class, otherwise, it must be finished at home. Students will not be permitted to work on spelling assignments on Friday! -You will have a spelling list in your folder for the entire unit (6 weeks worth). The student will also every week write the list in their agenda. There will also be a list of spellings words in the classroom. There will be no excuse about not having a list!! - Their will be 10 points deducted from every assignment that is late or not turned in first thing Friday morning.
Parents please sign your child’s agenda daily! Assignments will be listed daily on the board. Students will be given time each morning to write assignments in their agenda. It is the student’s responsibility to write the daily assignments in their agenda. Parents please sign agenda when your child has written down the daily assignments neatly AND after they have completed any unfinished work. Agendas that have your signature at the bottom of each day will receive one credit point. Agendas that do not have your signature will not be stamped. Parents, we read agendas every day and we may send notes home to you via the agenda!! Remember we consider the agenda a great communication tool!
Students are not given a lot of time in class to read AR. We will have 10 minutes every day scheduled in to read but it will be up to the student to use their time wisely to have extra time to read when finished with work. Please encourage your student to read at home since we do not have a lot of time to dedicate to this during class instruction time.
Volunteer – If you can help out at school, work at home on projects, provide supplies for the classroom, or go on field trips, we will gladly appreciate the help. Communication – Please talk with your child about school, contact us with any questions, and look over the papers they bring home. Fourth grade is a year of growing independence and taking responsibility. They need our guidance to keep them on the right track.
Please DO NOT allow your child to bring personal possessions to school. Toys, electronics and jewelry should be left at home. Not only are they a distraction, but they also have a way of getting lost, stolen or torn up.
If your child is absent, the assignments will be posted on the board. The student is to write down the work they missed in their agenda and ask the teacher for any worksheets needed. Failure to turn in the make up work will result in 0’s for those assignments. We’re trying to teach responsibility!
We are the BlueGroup Our rotation will be: PE, Music, Library Tennis shoes need to be worn on days that students have PE.
You can me ANYTIME! I check my very often, and that is the most effective way to communicate with me. My is: You can also call the school and leave a message with Shonie and I will call you as soon as I can.