Leadership through Coaching Course Facilitated by Marion Parris Parris King Developing Potential Ltd
Opening Discussion ? Who is the leader/mentor/coach who has influenced you most as a leader/manager? ? What did that person do that had the biggest impact on you? ? What did it feel like to be with this person? ? What have you learnt from them about leadership? A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course
Emotional Intelligence Just one of many definitions: The capacity people have for recognising their own emotions and those of others, then being able to respond appropriately in a measured and effective way to the situations in which they find themselves. A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course
5 Components of EQ at Work Self Awareness Self Regulation Motivation Empathy Social Skill Daniel Goleman – Havard Business Review 1998 A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course
Creating A Future A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course Attract & retain the best people Deliver superior products & services Create opportunities for growth & innovation to take us to the future 3 Challenges to Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage? Robert K Cooper PH.D Advanced Excellence Systems, - Q-Metrics A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course People Performing Buildin g trusting relation ships Creating a vision for the future Increasing energy & effectiveness
EQ in coaching Increased awareness of behaviour & impact on others Explore options Permission to experiment Monitor & support Review & agree realistic goals Reflect on impact Recognition A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course
Short course on Leadership 6 most important statements: 1. “I admit I made a mistake” 2. “I am proud of you” 3. “What is your opinion?” 4. “Please” 5. “Thank you” 6. “We” A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course
Performance Review/Appraisal PR evalua te prepar e motivat e GOAL SETTINGREVIEW DEVELOPMENT A sample of 10 slides from a 2 day course