Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. – Theodosius Dobzhansky Evolution Charles Darwin in later years
What is Evolution? The kind we’re talking about is sometimes called organic evolution to distinguish it from non-biological changes over time. Working definition: Evolution _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Evolution’s Core Principles ________ selection.
Evolution’s Core Principles Common descent with _________________.
Alfred Russel Wallace Independently Drew the Same Conclusions as Darwin Papers from Wallace and Darwin were jointly presented (with little impact) to the Linnaean Society in 1858.
Darwin’s Observations and Inferences Observation 1: Left unchecked, the number of organisms of each species will increase ____________________, generation to generation. Observation 2: In nature, populations tend to remain ____________________________ Inference 1: Production of more individuals than can be supported by the environment leads to a _______________________________________among individuals, with only a fraction of offspring surviving in each generation. Observation 3: ______________________ resources are limited.
Darwin’s Observations and Inferences Observation 4: Individuals of a population vary extensively in their ________________ with no two individuals being exactly alike. Observation 5: Much of this variation between individuals is ______________________.
Inference 2: Survival in the struggle for existence is not _________________, but depends in part on the heritable characteristics of individuals. Individuals who inherit characteristics most fit for their environment are likely to leave _______________ offspring than less fit individuals. Darwin’s Observations and Inferences
Inference 3: The unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce leads to a ______________________________in a population, with favorable characteristics accumulating over generations (natural selection). Taken together, these three inferences are a statement of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Darwin’s Observations and Inferences
The Weak Link of Genetics and the Modern Synthesis A major problem in Darwin’s theory was the lack of a mechanism to explain natural selection. How could favorable variations be transmitted to later generations? With the rediscovery of Mendel’s work and its vast extension in the first half of the 20th century, the missing link in evolutionary theory was forged. Darwinian theory supported by genetics is known as the modern synthesis. Darwin in his early years.
Evidence of Change in Species – The ______________ Record
Why use the same skeletal plan for these very different appendages ? Evidence of Change in Species – Comparative ___________________
Why do embryos of different animals pass through a similar developmental stage? Recent discoveries of the conservation of molecular mechanisms of development are even more compelling. Evidence of Change in Species – Comparative _______________
Evidence of Change in Species – Conservation and Diversification at the Molecular Level Why should different organism possess ___________ genes? Why does the degree of relationship of genes match their degree of relationship established by other methods?
Evidence for Change in Species – _____________ Observed Evolution of pesticide resistance in response to selection.
Speciation –Steps in the process: »Subdivision of the population »Evolution of each subpopulation in _____________directions »Change in population that reproductively ____________ the population from the other. »Return to same setting and no longer can members of the two populations ____________.
Speciation ________________: Geographical separation leads to initial subdivision of the population. Rivers, volcanoes, earthquakes, roads, train lines, etc..
Sympatric speciation _________________: Isolation of populations occurs while organisms have physical contact with each other.
Many Intrinsic __________________ Isolating Mechanisms Drive Speciation (different habits within an overlapping range)
Many Intrinsic Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms Drive _____________________
Many Intrinsic Reproductive Isolating __________________ Drive Speciation
Evolution possibilities ________________evolution: leads to analogous structures. (same function/different ancestry)
Parallel evolution vs. Coevolution A: divergent B: convergent C. _________
_______________ evolution: leads to homologous structures. (same ancestry/different function