While you are waiting… 1. Read the letter in the envelope from your child and write them back. 2. Try to figure out the clues on their Math About Me Poster! 3. Look through the your folder on the desk. 4. Smile! You’re back in 4 th grade!!
Welcome to Parent Night! * Please sign the sheets on the back counter if interested. Thanks! August 26, 2009
Mrs. Myrick Personal information Personal information Education Education Gifted Education Specialist Gifted Education Specialist
Learning Guides Be on the look out! Be on the look out! All subjects All subjects Grade Level Expectations Grade Level Expectations What the students will be tested What the students will be tested Sample test items Sample test items Above level work Above level work
Learning Units Analyze This! (graphing, data, weather) Analyze This! (graphing, data, weather) Kid Nation (history and government) Kid Nation (history and government) The Price is Right (economics) The Price is Right (economics) Amazing Race (US regions) Amazing Race (US regions) Decisions of Our Lives (author study, citizenship) Decisions of Our Lives (author study, citizenship) Dancing Through the Decades (traditions, customs) Dancing Through the Decades (traditions, customs)
Curriculum Based on the Grade Level Expectations for 4 th grade Based on the Grade Level Expectations for 4 th grade Comprehensive Curriculum and textbooks Comprehensive Curriculum and textbooks Flexible groups based on pre-tests Flexible groups based on pre-tests Individual and cooperative groups Individual and cooperative groups Everyone gets a doable challenge Everyone gets a doable challenge
More Curriculum Reading: Pleasure reading book Reading: Pleasure reading book Balanced approach Balanced approach Math: Basic Facts & Problem Solving daily Math: Basic Facts & Problem Solving daily Spelling: Weeks alternate with Writing weeks Spelling: Weeks alternate with Writing weeks Writing: Using 6 Trait Writing Writing: Using 6 Trait Writing Science and Social Studies: 45 minutes daily Science and Social Studies: 45 minutes daily
Grading & Reporting 3 report cards 3 report cards Parent/Teacher & Student-Led Conferences Parent/Teacher & Student-Led Conferences 10 Point Grading Scale 10 Point Grading Scale Tests / Quizzes Tests / Quizzes Testing Schedule Testing Schedule Tuesday-Reading Tuesday-Reading Thursday-Spelling (Every other week) Thursday-Spelling (Every other week) Friday- Grammar, Math and Timed Math Test Friday- Grammar, Math and Timed Math Test *Science and Social Studies-Wednesday or Thursday Test Envelopes (Every other Wednesday) Test Envelopes (Every other Wednesday) Rubrics and Checklists Rubrics and Checklists
Discipline Positive environment Positive environment Praise and encouragement APLENTY Praise and encouragement APLENTY Empower students Empower students Rewards daily & treasure chest opportunities weekly Rewards daily & treasure chest opportunities weekly Conduct Cards-Friday Conduct Cards-Friday or write in agenda or write in agenda Code of Conduct in Handbook Code of Conduct in Handbook Major offenses Major offenses
Technology ActivBoard ActivBoard Issues Issues Fourth Grade Website Fourth Grade Website Assignments Assignments Word Package Word Package Software-Kidspiration, Timeliner, Graph Club Software-Kidspiration, Timeliner, Graph Club Internet research and games Internet research and games
Homework Monday – Thursday Monday – Thursday Reinforces what was taught Reinforces what was taught No longer than 1 hour No longer than 1 hour “Study” does not mean NO Homework “Study” does not mean NO Homework Consequences Consequences for frequently missed homework for frequently missed homework Communicate homework difficulties Communicate homework difficulties
Pupil Progression From grade 4 to grade 5: Each student shall successfully complete the LEAP test as defined in Section II, letter D of this Pupil Progression Plan. Each student shall successfully complete the LEAP test as defined in Section II, letter D of this Pupil Progression Plan. Each student shall pass the core subjects (reading/ELA**, math, science and social studies) at least second and third trimester grading periods. Each student shall pass the core subjects (reading/ELA**, math, science and social studies) at least second and third trimester grading periods. Each student must demonstrate mastery of the math Power GLE’s for the grade level by scoring at least 70% on the grade level post test and 85% on the grade level Basic Skills Proficiency Test. Each student must demonstrate mastery of the math Power GLE’s for the grade level by scoring at least 70% on the grade level post test and 85% on the grade level Basic Skills Proficiency Test. Each student shall demonstrate the ability to work independently, follow directions, and complete required tasks Each student shall demonstrate the ability to work independently, follow directions, and complete required tasks
Family Fun Field trip for each learning unit Field trip for each learning unit Symphony and Opera Symphony and Opera Party sign-up sheets Party sign-up sheets Maverick of the Week Maverick of the Week Family resources Family resources Volunteer sign up sheet Volunteer sign up sheet
Daily Schedule *See back of pamphlet Please schedule doctor appointments so that the least amount of instruction is missed.
Attendance / Tardy Important Important 7:45 7:45 Notify Notify for missed assignments for missed assignments Check in and out-Main Office Check in and out-Main Office Send notes to Main Office Send notes to Main Office
Carpool NO NOTE-NO GO! NO NOTE-NO GO! Written or faxed note by 2pm- no s Written or faxed note by 2pm- no s Carpool numbers available in the office Carpool numbers available in the office Mrs. Broussard Mrs. Broussard
Dress Code White, Black, or Gold Shirt (must have U logo) White, Black, or Gold Shirt (must have U logo) Sweatshirts/jackets worn in class must have the U Sweatshirts/jackets worn in class must have the U Shirts tucked please Shirts tucked please
Contact Information is the BEST!! is the BEST!! My door is always open! My door is always open!