FOURTH QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2013/14 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education Parliament, Cape Town 29 July 2014
PRESENTATION OUTLINE PART A Detailed presentation on Performance Indicators and Targets ContextSlides 3-5 Programme 1Slides 6-8 Programme 2Slides 9-17 Programme 3Slides Programme 4Slides Programme 5 Slides PART B Financial Report: Fourth Quarter Expenditure: Slides
PART A Performance Indicators and Targets
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Education and the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: o PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION o PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING o PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT o PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT o PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
NUMBER AND NATURE OF TARGETS FOR ALL DBE PROGRAMMES AND SUMMARY ON ACHIEVEMENT OF TARGETS TARGETSNUMBERPERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets24% Bi-annual Targets35% Annual Targets5291% Total No. of Programmes Performance Indicators 57100% There are 57 performance indicators for the 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan(APP) of which 2 are quarterly targets, 3 are Biannual and 52 are annual targets. The table below will explain per programme the achievement per indicators. Programme No. of indicators The default status of an indicator is red. Where 50% or more of the target has been realised, supported by credible evidence, the status will be reflected as amber. Green will be reflected when the target has been fully achieved. One7007 Two Three10037 Four Five5023 Total %100%2%17%81%
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Ministry, Department Management Corporate Services, Office of the CFO, Internal Audit and Risk Management, Office Accommodation. Also includes the Branch R sub-programmes : – Strategic Planning, Research and Coordination – Media Liaison and National & Provincial coordination – International Relations and Grant Monitoring & Reporting 6
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To ensure the provision of suitable human resource capacity to support a high performing organization. To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from targeted support to the education department. To improve inter-governmental planning, communication, education policy and legislative development. 7
PROGRAMME 1 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS Number of officials participating in staff development activities The number of internships implemented for unemployed graduates in the Department A report highlighting South Africa’s role and participation in multilateral bodies and international affairs in educational activities is compiled bi-annually. Two Reports Two reports
PROGRAMME 1 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS The number of signed Financial Disclosure forms for DBE SMS members submitted by 31 May 2013 (out of 78 SMS members). All SMS members sign Financial Disclosure forms within the stipulated time. Overall there were 79 FDIs submitted to the PSC. (the additional one from 78 to 79 SMS members is as a result of a new appointment) The number of signed Performance Agreements by DBE SMS members by 31 May 2013 (out of 78 SMS members). All SMS members sign Performance Agreements within the stipulated time There were 77 Performance Agreements submitted and two resignations. Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) process is facilitated and report developed on time. MPAT process results available and submitted to DPME. Scores finalized and submitted to DPME on 18 October Performance information capacity improvement. Capacity improvement performance information strategy developed by DBE. A Performance Information Management Strategy has been developed and approved to guide evidence-based reporting. A Standard Operating Procedure Document was developed and approved in March 2014.
PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme 2 is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation. 10
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : NSC PERFORMANCE 11 Comparison of the NSC November 2013 Examination with the final combined results (i.e. November 2013 and 2014 Supplementary Examinations) Province Name November 2013 NSC Examination Combined November 2013 NSC Examination and 2014 NSC Supplementary Examination Difference in Achievement percentages No. Wrote No. Achieved % Achieved No. Wrote No. Achieved % Achieved Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape National
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : NSC PERFORMANCE: Comparison of the NSC November 2013 examination with the final combined results, based on promotion type Province November Achieved Bachelor Combined Achieved Bachelor November Achieved Diploma Combined Achieved Diploma November Achieved Higher Certificate Combined Achieved Higher Certificate November Achieved NSC Combined Achieved NSC Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape National
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : NSC PERFORMANCE including Supplementary Examinations 13 A summary of the gains emanating from the 2013 Supplementary Examination is as follows: Increase of 820 candidates that achieved the NSC: from to Increase of candidates that obtained admission to Higher Certificate studies : from to An increase in candidates that obtained an admission to Diploma studies: from to Increase of candidates that obtained admission to Bachelor studies : from to Increase from 78.2% to 80.8% overall pass rate, this confirms that the Department of Basic Education has exceeded its target of the overall pass rate of 74% in the 2013 NSC examination.
PROGRAMME 2 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS An e-Education strategy that updates the 2004 White Paper and includes future targets for ICT access in schools is released. Audit of e-education is completed The Audit report on ICT in education initiative has been completed and signed. Number of subject advisors and other teaching professionals orientated in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements A Report on Subject Advisors in each district. Quarterly Report to be used to identify and quantify subject advisors by phase Two Reports were produced. Number of district officials and teachers trained in multi-grade teaching in all provinces in 2013 (through nationally funded intervention) Mind the Gap titles to be introduced for grade 12 learning resource supplements in Mathematics, Physical Science, English First Additional Language, Mathematical Literacy and Afrikaans translation The following Mind the Gap titles were developed for Grade 12 : English First Additional Language. The first proof of the following Mind the gap titles were developed for Grade 12 Mathematics Physical Science Mathematical Literacy
PROGRAMME 2 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS Percentage of learners who obtain a National Senior Certificate. 74% 78.2% in the January results 80.8% after supplementary examinations Percentage of ordered Grade 3 literacy workbooks (Vol. 2 for 2013) distributed to schools (Vol. 1 workbooks already distributed by December 2012/January 2013). 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders Ordered : Delivered: Translates to : 98.8%. Percentage of ordered Grade 3 numeracy workbooks (Vol. 2 for 2013) distributed to schools (Vol. 1 workbooks already distributed by December 2012/January 2013). 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders Ordered : Delivered: Translates to: 98.8%. Percentage of ordered Grade 6 language workbooks (Vol. 2 for 2013) distributed to schools (Vol. 1 workbooks already distributed by December 2012/January 2013). 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders Ordered : Delivered: Translates to: 98.7%.
PROGRAMME 2 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2012/13 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2012/13 STATUS Percentage of ordered Grade 6 Mathematics workbooks (Vol. 2 for 2013) distributed to schools (Vol. 1 workbooks already distributed by December 2012/January 2013). 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders Ordered books: Delivered books: Translates to : 98.8%. Percentage of ordered Grade 9 Mathematics workbooks (Vol. 2 for 2013) distributed to schools (Vole 1 workbooks already distributed by December 2012/January 2013). 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders Ordered : Delivered: Translates to: 98.7%. Percentage of Grade 12 learners who are doing Mathematics that have access to Siyavula Mathematics textbooks. 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders The development of the CAPS aligned Grade 12 Siyavula Mathematics textbook was completed for use by learners who are taking the subject in November PEDs were requested to print the textbooks and print ready files were sent to provinces electronically. Percentage of Grade 12 learners who are doing Physical Science that have access to Siyavula Physical Science textbooks. 97% -100% as per data and information received from provinces against orders The development of the CAPS aligned Grade 12 Siyavula Physical Science textbook was completed for use by learners who are taking the subject in November PEDs were requested to print the textbooks and print ready files were sent to provinces electronically.
PROGRAMME 2 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS Number of different exemplars and other tools provided to support ANA preparation. Baseline to be determined A total of 90 Exemplars were developed to support ANA preparations for Number of different exemplars and other tools provided to support NSC preparation. Baseline to be determined The following resources were produced to support NSC preparation: Life Sciences Study Guide Accounting Study Guide Economics Study Guide School Based Assessment tasks in 7 key subjects were set, moderated and released to provinces and published in the DBE website The ‘Exemplification of Standards of learner Evidence’ in Business Studies, History, Geography and EFAL was developed and released to provinces for distribution to all Grade 12 teachers and learners in the schools. Database set up with useful assessment tools for in-year assessment. Baseline to be determined The question papers and memoranda of previous examinations are uploaded on the DBE website as a database of assessment items that both teachers and learners could utilise. The link to the database is: d/351/Default.aspx
PROGRAMME 2 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATU S Number of Brailed workbooks distributed to learners with visual impairment An audit in special schools to determine the utilisation of assistive devices provided by DBE. Audit Report is finalised An audit on the availability of Braille production equipment and technologies was conducted in all Schools for the Blind, and a report developed. Number of learners enrolled in the Kha Ri Gude programme Percentage of learners completing the Kha Ri Gude programme. 85% 80.6 %. Number of qualified ECD practitioners (NQF level 4) in public Grade R out classes
PROGRAMME 3 : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme 3 is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources. 19
PROGRAMME 3 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATU S A comprehensive guide to available professional development programme is established on the national department website. A user-friendly guide to available professional development programmes is available on the website with 250 offerings A guide is available on the website with 314 offerings covering 33 fields of study. Number of qualified teachers aged 30 and below entering the public service as teachers for the first time during the past year A comprehensive teacher Human Resource Strategy workforce is developed. An analytical report on teacher shortages, placement, attrition and entry is compiled and an assessment of teacher supply and demand is made CEM approved the “Strategy on Recruitment and Deployment of Educators” for the education sector Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education during the past year An impact assessment of the Funza Lushaka programme is undertaken. Report showing the impact of the programme and areas for strengthening is finalised The Terms of reference have been approved by the DG and a Steering Committee has been established.
PROGRAMME 3 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATU S Percentage of ordinary public schools where the School Governing Body meets minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness as determined through a School Monitoring sample Survey (SMS). 52% A total of schools were surveyed to determine the effectiveness of SGBs. 85% of schools met the minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness. Number of public ordinary schools moderated through school-based integrated quality management system (IQMS) evaluations per year. (The target is fixed based on the number of available moderators) A monitoring tool for Post Provisioning Norms (PPN) is finalised and piloted. Pilot study report is available and used to inform roll-out of the tool Investigation of the PPN implementation in all nine PEDs was completed. The approved findings were presented to HEDCOM. Quarterly reports available from each district on identified quality indicators using a standardised tool. Bi-annual reports produced on key findings of Quarterly reports and interventions A standardized tool was administered by fifty-four (54) districts. The data was captured, analysed and a report compiled. One Report produced.
PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme 4 is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment. 22
PROGRAMME 4 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATU S Provision of valid and reliable data on learner performance in the ANA that will support the improvement of quality of basic education. National Assessment report on learner performance in ANA (disaggregated into 9 provinces and districts) The National report on ANA 2013 results, disaggregated into 9 provinces and 81 districts, and was officially released by the Minister to the general public and the provincial departments of Education on 5 December Provision of valid and reliable data on learner performance in the NSC examinations that will support the improvement of quality of basic education. Four National Exam Reports on learner performance in Grade 12 are released: Technical Report; Detailed Schools statistics Report; Diagnostic report in selected subjects; Report on schools statistics indicating 3 year performance in selected subjects All the four reports were produced in December 2013 and results were released in January 2014 Number of exemplars developed in key subjects for the implementation of CAPS. Exemplars developed in 9 key subjects for Grade 11 Exemplars have been set in 9 selected subjects and released to PEDs for printing and distribution to all schools in different provinces. It is envisaged that these exemplars will assist teachers with the implementation of assessment relating to CAPS.
PROGRAMME 4 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS School-based Assessment database is established Basic database is established and uploaded on the website The question papers and memoranda of previous examinations are uploaded on the DBE website as a database of assessment items that both teachers and learners could utilise. The link to the database is : Examinations/Past Exam Papers/tabid/351/Default.aspx Pilot study is conducted in selected districts where ANA results were analysed to inform support and improvement programmes for schools. A pilot study report is available A pilot study report has been compiled and approved. The number of schools built and completed in the ASIDI project schools completed in 2013/14 Cumulatively 53 schools have been completed to date in the programme. Percentage of 7 to 15-year-olds attending education institutions. 98.7% 98.8% (2012 GHS) Percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade). 64% 79.9% (2012 GHS) Percentage of children who turned 12 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade). 51%82.8% (2012 GHS)
PROGRAMME 4 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTarget for 2013/14 as per APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R according to a School Monitoring sample Survey (SMS). 87% 93.9% (2012 GHS) Number of schools benefitting from the Adopt-a-school programme linked to the NEDLAC Accord on Basic Education (under the auspices of the QLTC) schools Advocacy campaign for communities and parents using tools for oversight of teacher attendance, homework monitoring, curriculum coverage, the use of ANA results as a diagnostic tool as well as the retrieval of LTSM. Advocacy campaign implemented An advocacy Report is available Successful management of reported cases with respect to Education delivery managed through the DBE Call Centre. Quarterly reports indicating referrals and follow ups on progress and analysing trends and patterns. Four Quarterly reports indicating referrals and follow ups on progress and analysing trends and patterns were produced. NEEDU report is released. NEEDU comprehensive report is submitted and recommendations considered for application and integration into sector activities. The NEEDU National Report on the State of Literacy Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Phase was released by the Minister on 2 May 2013.
PROGRAMME 5 : EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES The purpose of Programme 5 is to develop policies and programmes to improve the quality of learning in schools. 26
PROGRAMME 5 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2012/13 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2012/13 STATUS Number of learners benefitting from the Integrated School Health Programme 2 nd Quarter Target : th Quarter Target : Data received from DoH: Quarter 1: learners Quarter 2: learners Quarter 3: learners Total: Number of learners that are provided with meals in the National Schools Nutrition Programme PEDS reported learners were provided with meals as at 31 March 2014 The system is developed for capturing information on choral and sport participation in the DBE. The system for capturing information of learner participation in sport and choral music is developed. A system for capturing information of learner participation in sport and choral music has been implemented.
PROGRAMME 5 : OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2013/14 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FOURTH QUARTER OF 2013/14 STATUS Number of learners participating in DBE organised activities on citizenship, rights and responsibilities and constitutional values Cumulatively, a total of 1963 learners participated in DBE organised activities on citizenship, rights and responsibilities and constitutional values. Number of public ordinary schools participating in Spelling Bee to support reading initiatives. 250 Data from implementing partners indicates that the total number of schools that have participated in the Spelling Bee is 256.
PART B Expenditure for the Fourth Quarter
INTRODUCTION The total Adjusted Appropriation budget of the Department for the 2013/14 financial year amounts to R million The majority of the budget (R million) consists of transfer payments as follows: –Conditional Grants: R million –Transfers to Public Entities: R million –Other Transfers: R million The remainder of the budget (R million) consists of the following: –Compensation of Employees: R million –Examiners and Moderators: R million –Earmarked Funds: R million –Office Accommodation: R million –Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated: R million –Departmental Operations: R million –Departmental Projects: R million
INTRODUCTION (cont.) The total actual expenditure of the Department for the 2013/14 financial year third quarter amounts to R million The majority of the expenditure (R million) consists of transfer payments as follows: –Conditional Grants: R million –Transfers to Public Entities: R million –Other Transfers: R17.051million The remainder of the expenditure (R million) consists of the following: –Compensation of Employees: R million –Examiners and Moderators: R million –Earmarked Funds: R million –Office Accommodation: R million –Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated: R million –Departmental Operations: R million –Departmental Projects: R million
ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME FOR THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR PROGRAMMES 2013/14 Expenditure as % of Adjusted Appropriation FINAL APROPRIATIONACTUAL EXPENDITUREVARIANCE R’000 Administration % Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring % Teachers, Education Human Resources Development and Institutional Development % Planning, Information and Assessment % Educational Enrichment Services % Total %
ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER ITEM FOR THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Expenditure as % of Adjusted Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATIONACTUAL EXPENDITUREVARIANCE R’000 Compensation of Employees % Goods and Services (1 267)100.1% Transfers and Subsidies % Payment for Capital Assets % Total %
ALLOCATION OVER THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR SERVICE 2013/14 Expenditure as % of Adjusted Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITUREVARIANCE R’000 Compensation of Employees % Examiners and Moderators % Transfers to Public Entities % Other Transfers % Conditional Grants % Schools Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant % Earmarked Funds % Departmental Operations % Office Accommodation % Projects % Total %
DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR SERVICE Expenditure as % of Adjusted Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATIONACTUAL EXPENDITUREVARIANCE R’000 Earmarked Funds: % Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project % EPWP: Kha Ri Gude % Workbooks (71)100.0% IQMS % NEEDU (3)100.0% NSNP % National Assessment % Conditional Grants: % Education Infrastructure % National Schools Nutrition Programme % HIV and AIDS (Life Skills Education) % Dinaledi Schools % Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation %
DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR SERVICE Expenditure as % of Adjusted Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Transfers to Public Entities % NSFAS: Funza Lushaka Bursaries % Umalusi % National Education Collaboration % Other Transfers (79) 100.5% ETDP SETA % UNESCO Membership Fees % ADEA % Childline South Africa % Guidance Counseling & Youth Development Centre: Malawi % Households %
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