Our Vision / A look forward Mr Mark Webb Dr Peter Melton
Strategy drivers/influencers Health 5 year forward view: – Sets out planning requirements – New models of care – Financial context – Focus on prevention Quality of care Workforce shortages Adult Social care Care Act – Focus on wellbeing – Information & advise to promote independence – Prevention Financial context Quality of care & market management
Underpinning Principles Quality and Safety Promoting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of individuals Prevention and self care / independent living rather than a reliance on state services Care delivered in the right place, at the right time, Improving outcomes – purchasing from those providers with the specialist skills Breaking down organisational barriers to reduce fragmented care
CCG strategy (reflected in HLHF) Community based care Self care & independent living Local services Centralised care Comprehens ive Affordable Healthcare providers should provide a comprehensive service, from supporting prevention and self-care, through community provision, to specialist and tertiary care. Providers of these services should take an integrated approach, so that local people have access to a seamless service The result will be higher-quality care, with more lives saved and more people returned to full health A further result will be a service that is affordable in the years to come Integrated Higher quality Home care
New model of care Enhanced out of hospital model which enables health and social care professionals to provide more joined up services closer to people’s homes and communities should form the basis of any system wide model of care Enhanced Out of Hospital Urgent and Crisis Care Model Plus Enhanced Out of Hospital Planned Care Model means Revised In Hospital Provision
Proactive LTC management New model of urgent care Elective Care at scale New midwife- led maternity solutions Primary Care at Scale 1. Making the “Left Shift” a reality Increased self-care and independence Proactive management of our most common users of the service Reduction in attendances and admissions to hospital 2. New models of urgent care Integrated approach to urgent care management Less reliance on the traditional “bed base” models of care Focus on keeping people home 3. Shaping hospital services differently Focus on specialist care Transforming healthcare
Transformation priorities Urgent and emergency care system (out of hospital) – 1 hour & same day response (24/7) Proactive care models – Complex/multiple /specialist LTCs – Nursing / Residential care home support Access & diversion – SPA – 7 day services – Extra Care housing Prevention and early intervention – Prevention strategy (joint with Council) – Social prescribing
Proactive care Core MDT Team GP Secondary Care Input Therapies Care Planning Communit y Nursing Social care Specialist Support e.g palliative care etc Out of Hospital Care In Hospital Care MDTs based around practice collaboration Pro active, Preventative, and Outcome Focussed Services IT solutions that support integration of care Secondary care consultants providing education and support /advice Communication co-ordinated by MDT lead -most appropriate person for that individual patient People are only treated in hospital when appropriate and are discharged promptly to a supportive integrated community service Charities Voluntary Organisation Patients empowered to access care when they need it Patient empowered and supported to self manage, set their own priorities Best practice adopted early. Opportunities grasped for prevention, patient education
Extra Care Housing & Supported living A property people can call their own, an address and front door whilst having easy access to the care and support they will need to stay healthy and keep living independently longer Extra care can reduce the levels of care needed and delay or eliminate the need for admission to residential care Supported living for people with complex needs who have a disability or mental health problem supports a move towards independence and reduces residential care Plan is to deliver 300 extra care housing units across 5 sites by 2018, 1 st unit now open and people are moving in